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发表于 2019-7-8 16:02:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一节        单项选择
1. It was _______ to see so many ________ people in a small town.
A. amazing; amazing                  B. amazing; amazed
C. amazed; amazed                    D. amazed; amazing
2  He is __          __ that everyone likes to make friends with him.
A. a such honest boy                                        B. so honest a boy
C. so an honest boy                                            D. such honest a boy
3.This book ___   _ 12 units, __     __ the unit of Music.
A. contains, including                                        B. includes, containing
C. contains, includes                                        D. including, contains
4. __         __  ,  he caught up with others.
A. With the help of the teacher’s         B. With the teacher’s help
C. By the teacher’s help        D. On the teacher’s help
5.The young man helped the company recover, so his boss gave him an apartment _________.
A. in return        B. in turn        C. in charge       D. in fact
6. She doesn’t like the way _______ you speak to her.
A. to                B. in that             C. how                     D. in which
7. More attention must be paid _           ___ the endangered animals..
A. protect            B. to protect      C. to protecting        D. protecting
8.Computers           in offices and homes since 1970s.
A.have been used  B.had been used     C.was                 D.has been used
9. I won’t see the film tonight. I am busy. ______, it is raining cats and dogs.
        A. Beside          B. However         C. Besides       D. As well as
10. We shouldn’t spend our money testing so many people, most of ____ are healthy.
A. that                       B. which                        C. what                        D. whom
11. The tiger, once a __     __ animal to humans, is now ____ of disappearing on the earth.
A.dangerous, danger        B.dangerous, in danger
C.in danger, in danger        D.danger, in danger
12.—Would you please give me a hand and take the bookcase upstairs?
    —                         '.
A.My pleasure    B.With pleasure    C.Of course I do           D.Yes.That’s all fight
13. He __________ here on time next Tuesday.
A. would come        B. will be coming             C. have been coming          D. come
14. Our teacher told us that the earth _________ round the sun.
A. moves                B. moved                    C. to move                       D. moving
15. He was disappointed that his plan did not _________.
        A. go on                 B. go off             C. go through               D. go out
16. _______ his being late again, he lost his job and had to stay at home.
        A. Owe to               B. As result of                     C. In case of                       D. Because of
  1. This book  is more  interesting than           that you have just read.   
A. this  B. these  C. one  D. the ones

  2. You will be dismissed             you will never be late again.
A. unless  B. until  C. when   D. after

  3. The board of management        seven persons.  
A. consist    B. comprises    C. makes up    D. compose

  4. The boy is lonely; he could be happier if he had someone              he could play.
A. who    B. with whom    C. whom     D. that
  5. This song      memories of my childhood in the countryside.  
A. calls for    B. turns off   C. calls up    D. turns up

  6. My grandfather’s ideas are always          . He is too old to keep up with the times.
A. in style    B. in time    C. out of style    D. out of the question
  7. It’s surprising that John and his twin brother have nothing          .
A. in common   B. in turn   C. in short   D. in the end

  8. If something unexpected           at the office, I will be home late.
A. rises   B. comes   C. arises   D. goes

  9. It is      to rain. We’d better take our umbrellas with you.  
A. likely   B. possible   C. like   D. unlike

  10. The village is      far from the highway that we feel apart from the world when we are there.
     A. such   B. too   C. so    D. enough

  11. You should      being late for the appointment with the dentist.
A. avoid   B. prevent   C. keep   D. escape

  12. The government      spies in secret on a desert road.
A. found   B. dismissed   C. interviewed   D. exchanged

  13. What especially impressed us was       the doctor handled the emergency.
     A. the way which   B. the way     C. in the way     D. by the way

  14. I hope you will       this problem from the point of development.  
A. look   B. notice   C. view   D. watch  

  15. How did you      the captain of the football team?  
A. go to be      B. get to being   C. get to be    D. go to being

  16. A young man       to teach her water-skiing .  
A. offered    B. asked    C. provided     D. invited

  17. The success of the firm is       providing good service to the customers.
     A. depended on     B. based on  C. trusted on    D. imposed on  

  18. When they heard the discoursing news, the smiles       from their faces.  
A. charged   B. turned  C. appeared   D. faded

  19. My mother is always able to     when I am unhappy.   
A. say    B. explain   C. tell    D. speak   

  20. The old man said that he would never      his car as long as he could drive.  
A. give in   B. give on   C. give out   D. give up

  21. When the results of the vote were announced the Prime Minister      defeat.  
A. acknowledged   B. told  C. reported  D. found

  22. The passengers on the plane      their seat belts when it takes off.   
A. locked   B.  took off   C. secured   D. buttened

  23. It was only when Simon finally      to sleep that the headaches eased.
A. drifted off   B. took off   C. picked up   D. gave up

  24. Some one was heard      the stairs.  
A. come up   B. to come up   C. went up   D. goes up

  25. When Grandma turned 85, her eyes began to           .
A. break   B. lose   C. defeat   D. fail

  26. The people who lived near the river had to      the flooding waters.
A. escape  B. run  C. flee  D. struggle

  27. I am busy at the moment. You can put the book      you like.
A. whichever  B. whenever  C. wherever  D. whatever

  28. I wonder if there is anything      for you.
A. I can do   B. which I can do   C. that I can do   D. which can I do

  29. Don’t be too nervous. Dr. Smith will      your health.  
A. look after   B. worry about   C. check on   D. make sure

  30. It seems that the picture is not hanging      it should on the wall.  
A. when   B. where   C. that   D. while

  31. In my opinion, Nancy is      her sisters. Do you think so?  
A. not so polite as    B. so not polite as    C. not as polite so   D. as not polite as

  32. The old professor is now retired. He likes to visit all kinds of museums       .
     A. in the end    B. now and then    C. up till now   D. there and then
  33. The dead volcanoes don’t      fire or melted rock.  
A. throw at   B. throw out   C. get away   D. set out

  34. Before she could speak to him, her husband grabbed his coat and      of the door.
     A. got away   B. run away   C. shot out   D. given out

  35. Just then a grey-haired woman entered      by a boy of about ten.  
A. supporting   B. to support  C. to be supporting  D. supported

  36. The concert would begin in five minutes,. He quickened his step and      .
A. so did I   B. so I did   C. as I did   D. too I did

  37.        , the more we realize that there is no limit to its potential.  
A. The more we learn about the brain   B. We learn about the more brain
C. The more brain we learn about      D. We learn about the brain more

  38. That was the meeting       every student kept listening.
A. from which   B. during which   C. which during   D. which from

  39. I remember there used to be a big hole       the wall.
A. among   B. on    C. from   D. in

  40. I haven’t seen him for weeks, but I’m sure he will      one of these days.
A. check on  B. drift off  C. pop up  D. make out

  41. It is an      fact that Mr. Johnson has gone bankrupt.  
A. abstract   B. absolute   C. advanced   D. aggressive

  42. Our manager is always out. The vice manager is the      head of the business.  
A. virtual   B. virus   C. virtuous   D. visible

  43. A warm welcome      all our customers on their arrival.
A. awaits   B. waits    C. awaits for    D. waits on

  44. I bet the weather      get better tomorrow.   
A. is real to    B. is sure to     C. is certain    D. is bound to

  45. This research result will not stand if we do not       there is no force of friction.  
A. assist   B. assign   C. assume   D. assert

  46. This new country didn’t come into      until the year 1918.  
A. exhibition   B. exception   C. exchange   D. existence

  47. We may      a lot of opposition to the work scheme.
A. come up against   B. come up with   C. live up to   D. get away with

  48. She is the person who can be      whenever needed.  
A. depended on   B. deposited on   C. focused on    D. landed on  

  49. 100 people died and only 5 people       this earthquake.  A. were survived from   B. survived from   C. survived  D. were survived

  50. The famous scenery spot attracts 2,000 visitors per day      .
A. in average    B. below average    C. on an average   D. in an average
  51. Sam worked hard     and was finally promoted.  
A. all in all    B. all at once    C. all alone    D. all the while

  52. No one would behave so      as you to argue with the professor.  
A. badly    B. boldly   C. cleverly   D. cruelly

  53. As part of their advertising campaign, they distributed      of the product.
     A. samples     B. examples    C. instances    D. labels

  54. Lily has worked here      ------ever since the company was founded.
  A. for most   B. for all   C. for ages    D. for ever

  55. Being the ancient capital for six dynasties, Hangzhou is a       city.
A. historic    B. human    C. historical   D. history

  56. The doctor wanted to buy a new house but he found himself      money.
A. short on   B. short of   C. shout out   D. short off

  57. Don’t disturb your younger brother. He is      his homework.
A. putting his mind to   B. making his mind to   C. making up his mind on    D. setting his mind on

  58. Peter’s aunt was very angry and kept      in her room.
A. moving out    B. moving along   C. moving about   D. moving away

  59. The boy      from stone to stone and crossed the river.  
A. leaked    B. lapped    C. leaned    D. leaped

  60. The      in this vase makes it less valuable.
A. flaw    B. shortcoming    C. mistake    D. disadvantage
1.   --
    -- My mother is retired. My father is a manager.
    A. What do your parents do?
    B. Where are your parents?
    C. What are your parents doing right now?
2. -- What time does the train leave?
    A. On Tuesday.
    B. In the morning.
    C. At half past five.
3. -- Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please?
    A. You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket.
    B. You get off outside the supermarket.
    C. I'd like to see them.
4. -- What does your sister look like?
    A. She likes singing.
    B. She's tall and wears glasses.
    C. She looks depressed.
5. -- Would you like to go with us?
    A. I'd love to.
    B. I would like.
C. It's fine to go.

第二部分 词汇与结构
6. John is           only accountant in my son's company.
     A.a                                     B. an
     C. the
7. There              four children in the picture.
     A. is                                     B. are
     C. have
8. We often have               supper at home.
     A. us                                    B. our
       C. ours
9.                 Chris worried about the presentation last week?
    A. Is                                   B. Was
    C. Were
10. I sometimes go to the pub                 Friday.
    A. on                                    B. in
    C. at
11. London is              capital of Britain, and it is           great city, too.
    A. the, a                               B. a, the
    C. a,a
12. Have you got               cream, please?
    A. some                                B. any
13. Lily and Lucy are              a picture-book in their room.
    A. looking                               B. watching
    C. reading
14. I have two brothers. One is a driver,                is a policeman.
    A. one                                   B. other
    C. the other
15.-             is the man near the bank?
    -- Oh, he is Tom.
    A. What                              B. Who
    C. How
16. Which is        , the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?
      A. a bit long                           B. longer
      C. more long
17. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to         a message?
      A. keep                                B. rest
      C. leave
18. He goes to work      foot but comes back home          taxi.
      A. on, by                              B. by, on
      C. by, by
19. My aunt         for her friends at home.
      A. enjoys cooking                        B. enjoys to cook
      C. enjoy cooking
20.       does the flat cost a month?
      A. How many                           B. How much
      C. How about
21. Rose is         than Frank.
       A. very easy-going                       B. much easy-going
       C. much more easy-going
22. He is a good student. He       early.
       A. come always                          B. always comes
       C. always come
23.- I like documentaries on TV.
       -- So      I.
       A. am                                    B. do
       C. have
   24. I      buy any wine.
       A. need not                                B. don~t need
       C. don't need to
   25. When       for London?
       A. is she flying                            B. she flies
        C. she is going to fly
1.- What time will the next train leave?
     A. Five people
     B. At 8.19
     C. At the railway station
2.- Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?
     A. I'm fine, thank you
     B. It was Friday
     C. Hi, Jack. We had a great time
3.- What would you like to drink?
    A. Nice to meet you
    B. I'd like a roast chicken, please
    C. A coca-cola for me, please
4. -- I'm very tired. I've just finished work.
    A. Well, you'd better go home and have a good rest
    ]3. Oh, great ! Congratulations
    C. Ok, I'll give it to you tomorrow
5.- I went to a fashion show last night.
   --              ?
    A. What was it like
    B. Why not
C. Do you know him well
6. A: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
   B: Oh, not at all, I          here only a few minutes.
    A. will be                               B. was
    C. have been
7. A: Thank you for lending me your bicycle.
   B: You're welcome. But could you           to me tomorrow?
    A. give back it                           B. give it back
    C. get back
8. I          along the street when he shouted at me.
    A. walked                               B. was walking
    C. walk
9. Tom wants to buy the book,         is very interesting.
    A. that                               B. who
    C. which
10. The bag was rather expensive, but I bought it      
    A. anyway                                 B. even though
    C. any way
11.           stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.
    A. Anyone                               B. Someone
    C. Everyone
12. He stopped        homework when dinner was ready.
    A. to do                                B. do
    C. doing
13. A: What do you think of the film?
    B: I think it is        great.
     A. really                                 B. very
    C. most
14. Jenny, you've got beautiful eyes. Do you          your mother or father?
     A. look after                             B. take after
    C. look at
15. He has     gone out.
     A. now                                  B. yet
     C. just
16. Don't       him. He is reading an important letter now.
     A. disturb                               B. disturbing
     C. to disturb
17. If you are interested in this job, you ean       it.
     A. ask for                               B. apply for
     C. look for
18. I       buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help.
     A. ean                                   B. must
     C. have to
19. I told the designers that we needed to have the website   
    A. to redesign                           B. redesigning
    C. redesigned
20. These shopping bags are          . Do you like them?
    A. ours                                  B. our
    C. my
21. Beijing is 1200 kilometres      Shanghai.
    A. of                                 B. to
    C. from
22. I    a flat if I won the lottery.
    A. would buy                            B. will buy
    C. buy
23.         the rain, they went to work as usual.
    A. Although                           B. In spite of
    C. While
24. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It          anyone.
    A. must have been                        B. should have been
    C. could have been
25. I haven't seen such an interesting film   
    A. for a long time                         B. a long time ago
C. since a long time

II. Blank Filling:
Complete the blanks with the correct form of the following words or phrases(10%):
    Comfort   fail    center    attach to   tremble      due to    flee    encircle      trap    on one’s feet

1. I tried to      Mary after her husband died.
2. These workers have to be      all day, going from one machine to the others.
3. Because of the long drought , our corn crop      .
4. Thousands of people have been compelled to      the country in makeshift boats.
5. The bridge      as the train went over it.
6. A bathroom      his bedroom.
7. It is the part of Shanghai in which the commercial and financial interests are chiefly      .
8. The football game is canceled      unavoidable circumstances.
9. It was not long before the enemy      our camp.
10. A landslide      the travelers inside the cave.

第三节 完形填空

Who Are Today’s Immigrants?

Today a new first generation of immigrants is pursuing its dream of a new life in the USA. This generation’s background and experience are in some ways different from those of the typical European   1  of the nineteenth and early 20th centuries. Contemporary immigrants come  2   from Asia and Latin America.  3  , some writers have   4  that a much greater   5  of the new immigrants are businesspeople, managers, and technicians, but this claim has been challenged and has not been proved.  6   , it is clear that many of the better-trained and more prosperous of these immigrants are moving out   7   their own ethnic neighborhoods but into middle-class suburbs,    8   , the United States that they are experiencing is    9   a country that is    10   its industrial base. It is no longer creating the numbers of factory jobs that were available for the earlier immigrants.
1. A. immigrants   B. people    C. generation   D. dream
2. A. most    B. mostly   C. almost     D. more
3. A. In addition to    B. In addition as      C. In addition     D. On addition
4. A.allege  B.declare  C.assert  D. claimed
5. A. proportion    B. proportion     C. propose      D. proposal  
6. A. But     B. However     C. And     D. Any how
7. A. onto     B. in     C. into D. off  
8. A. At last    B. Lastly     C. Lasting     D. Last
9. A. no longer     B. Not longer     C. not long     D. no long
10. A. extending     B. expanding     C. expended      D. extended

Nowadays 21  children go to school  22  few of them have ever asked themselves  23  they go there. Some children think that they go to school just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign languages, history, science,   24 and a few other  25 . But why do they learn these things? Are these the only things they should learn at school?
Actually children go to school to  26  themselves for the time when they will be grown up and will have to  27  themselves. They learn their own language   28 they will be able to  29 with people in foreign countries, make friends with them and learn  30  about their culture and history. They learn mathematics in order to be able to measure the things around them and calculate sums.  31 helps them understand something about the world around them and history teaches them about the past and people. Nearly everything they study at school has some use  32  in their  33 , but there is one more  34 reason why children go to school.
It is more important to receive education than just learning  35  .We go to school  36 to learn how to learn. Learning is not just for school but for life. So even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn. A man who  37 knows how to learn will always be  38  because whenever he is faced with a completely new task or problem, he will teach himself how to deal with it in the best way.  39 , children do not go to school just to learn languages, mathematics, geography, etc. They go to school to  40 how to learn.
21. A. some             B. most            C. few           D. all
22. A. but               B. so              C. and           D. because
23. A. how              B. when            C. why          D. that
24. A. cooking           B. sowing          C. playing       D. geography
25. A. subjects           B. skills            C. languages     D. games
26. A. make             B. prepare          C. teach         D. study
27. A. teach             B. support          C. live           D. work
28. A. and               B. in order to       C. so as to       D. so that
29. A. communicate       B. work            C. talk         D. study
30. A. everything         B. anything         C. something    D. nothing
31. A. Foreign languages   B. Mathematics     C. History       D. Geography
32. A. practical           B. special          C. different      D. importance
33. A. work              B. lives            C. study        D. communication
34. A. difficult           B. unusual          C. important     D. kind
35. A. foreign languages   B. science           C. mathematics   D. facts
36. A. above all          B. at all             C. in all         D. for all
37. A. doesn't            B. never            C. really         D. may
38. A. unsuccessful       B. calm             C. successful      D. useful
39. A. Although          B. But              C. However       D. Therefore
40. A. begin             B. work             C. live           D. learn
Directions: Translate the following paragraph into English.
Section B Cloze Test
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.
How man first learned to invent words is unknown; in other word, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men,  21   animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things,   22 that they could communicate with each other, and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds and which could be written down. Those sounds,  23 spoken or written, in letters, we call words.
The power of words, then,  24 their associations – the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by  25  ; and the longer we live, the more certain words  26   to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal  27  to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is  28  we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a  29 of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to  30  our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.
                21 A) like   
B) dislike
C) unlike
D) unlikely
22. A) as    B) so
C) such  D) in
23. A) if    B) whether
C) when  D) as
24. A)exists in
B) lies in
C) rests on
D) belongs to
25. A) time
B) knowledge
C) technology
D) experience
26.  A)remember
B) remind
C) recall
D) refresh
27. A) power
B) powerful
C) powerfully
D) powerlessly
28.  A) what
B) that
C) which
D) as
29.  A) user
B) player
C) master
D) owner
30.  A) say
B) think
C) deliver
D) choose

When I first knew Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland. It was very different
from Mike's life in London now. We went to school together on our bicycles. Every morning I went to his house and knocked on the door. Every morning Mike's mum said, "I'm sorry. He's a bit late this morning", and so I had to wait. Each day we were late for school, and I remember the teacher got very annoyed with us. I never told her we were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club.
I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, "I'm sorry. I'm a bit late today." The only reason he wasn't late for his own wedding is that we lied to him about the time!
      As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our hikes. We went walking and fishing. I didn't like fishing because I couldn't swim. Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favourite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldn't cycle back – it was a long, slow walk. I'm sure we looked awful. We still do, when we come back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing's changed really. Oh, and I still can't swim.
      26. Mike and I went to school together in           
           A. Scotland                            B. London
           C. England
      27.          always late for school every morning.
           A. Mike was                             B. Mike and I were
           C. I was
      28. Mike wasn't late for his wedding because              
           A. he was very excited to get married
           B. his mother told him not to be late
           C. we didn't tell him the real time of his wedding
       29. We used to spend a lot of time to           on bicycles.
           A. fight and play
           B. work
           C. search and discover
       30. We walked 5 miles back home because we               
            A. were drunk                             B. were tired
            C. enjoyed walking
      A comedy and action film. Ronnie is a lion who escapes from the zoo. He walks about the city looking for somewhere to live, but everywhere he goes people are frightened of him.
The plot is hilarious as the young lion tries to make friends with different people. When he gets hungry, he decides to try to find food in a restaurant. The customers are amazed and the waiter runs away, leaving the lion to enjoy whatever he wants from the kitchen. The actors are good and the soundtrack is lovely.
      31. The story is about an animal.
          A. Right.
          B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      32. The film is very funny.
          A. Right.
          B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      33. Ronnie has made lots of friends.
          A. Right.
          B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      34. The waiter is scared of Ronnie.
          A. Right.
          B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      35. Ronnie is played by a boy.
          A. Right.
           B. Wrong.
           C. Doesn't say.

Dear Sir or Madam,
      I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1st
July. I would like to apply for the post of Technology Sales Representative in your company.
      I am 28 years old and I am a graduate from Dangston University. I have a degree in
Business Technology. I am working currently as a secretary in Polymer Ltd. In my current
job I am responsible for arranging the presentations of the Technology Sales Representatives
to foreign clients. I enjoy working in Business Technology, but I am now looking for the
opportunity to develop my own skills and to be a Technology Sales Representative myself. I
am interested in travelling and I am keen to use my language skills in your foreign
companies. I speak French and German fluently. I am happy to live abroad for my work.
     I am available for interview at any time in the next two weeks because I am on holiday.
I am sending my c. v. with this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.
      Yours faithfully,
     Jane Simson
      26. Jane Simson is a graduate from
          A. New Jersey University                B. Dangston University
          C. German University
      27. What would Jane like to apply for?
          A. The post of Technology Sales Representative.
          B. The manager of Technology Sales Representative.
          C. The worker of Technology Sales Representative.
      28. What does Jane like very much?
          A. She enjoys working in Medicine Technology.
          B. She enjoys working in Computer Technology.
          C. She enjoys working in Business Technology.
      29. Jane is good at speaking
          A. English and German                   B. French and German
          C. German and Chinese
30. Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks?
    A. Because she wants to get the job.
    B. Because she wants to be a representative in that company.
    C. Because she is on holiday.
It is Sunday morning. Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen. She is cooking the Sunday dinner. On Sunday the Browns (布朗一家) have their big meal in the middle of the day. On other days, "dinner" is in the evening. All the family are at home on Sunday, and they can have their meal together.
      Mr Brown doesn't go to office on Sunday. He is working in the garden. He enjoys
working in the garden. He grows vegetables and flowers. He brings the vegetables to the kitchen and Mrs Brown cooks them. The kitchen is clean. There are many cupboards (碗柜)
on the wall. Mrs Brown is a good cook. She enjoys cooking. Her family enjoy her cooking
      31. The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday.
          A. Right.                               B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      32. Mr Brown has a big family.
          A. Right.                               B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      33. Mr Brown doesn't go to work on Sunday.
          A. Right.                               B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      34. Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday.
           A. Right.                               B. Wrong.
          C. Doesn't say.
      35. The family enjoy Mrs Brown's cooking.
           A. Right.                                B. Wrong.
           C. Doesn't say.

The English are often considered as unfriendly people who don't talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers. I once asked a cabbie to describe his life to me and he didn't stop talking until I arrived home half an hour later. He told me many interesting stories and this is one of them: “Some very strange things happen late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had a little dog with her. When we got to her house she found that she'd lost her key. So, I waited in the cab with the dog while she climbed up the window.” “I waited … and waited … After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb up the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought that I was trying to rob the house! Luckily, the woman came downstairs, she'd gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog. I was in such a hurry to get away that I forgot to ask her for the fare(车资,车费).”?
41.In the writer’s opinion, London taxi drivers are _____________.
A. unfriendly               B. talkative                 C. helpful              D. strange enough
42. From the passage we guess that the writer ______.
A. is the driver of the taxi                                        B. often travels by taxi
C. is a foreigner visiting London                                D. lives in London
43. What does the underlined word “cabbie” mean in this passage?
A. Conductor.              B. Stranger.                    C. Taxi driver.           D. Porter.
44. The man was waiting outside the woman's house because ______.
A. he began to like the woman and her dog at the first sight
B. the woman had not paid him
C. he wanted to know what would happen when the police came
D. he was trying to go on talking with her
It doesn’t matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought, until they heard about AI Herpin. AI Herpin, it was said, never slept, Could this be true? The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.
       AI Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. But they were surprised . Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw Herpin sleeping , In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.
        The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. They found only one answer that might explain his condition. Herpin remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born. But that was all. Was this the real reason? No one could be sure.
         Herpin died at the age of 94.
45. The main idea of this passage is that _______.
           A. a person was found who actually didn’t need any sleep           
        B. large numbers of people do not need sleep
          C. everyone needs some sleep to stay alive
           D. people can live longer by trying not to sleep
46. The doctors came to visit Herpin , expecting to ______.
           A. cure him of his sleeplessness
           B. find that his sleeplessness was not really true
           C. find a way to free people from the need of sleeping
           D. find out why some old people didn’t need any sleep
47. After watching him closely, the doctors came to believe that AL Herpin ________.
           A. was too old to need any sleep            
        B. often slept in a chair
           C. needed no sleep at all                 
        D. needed some kind of sleep
48. One reason that might explain Herpin’s sleeplessness was ________.
           A. that he hadn’t got a bed               
        B. that he had gradually got rid of the sleeping habit
           C. his mother’s injury before he was born   
        D. his magnificent physical condition
49. AI Herpin’s condition could be regarded as ______.
           A. a common one                                       B. one that could be cured
           C. very healthy                                          D. a rare one
It’s summer movie time again. And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen. Check out our list of four films that look most promising to young audience.
Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Release Date:  June 4
Story: It’s the summer before Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts. A dangerous murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped the Wizards’ Prison. And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.

Around the World in 80 Days
Release Date:  June 16
Story: This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout ( Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan), a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer, Phileas Fogg. Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.

Spider- Man 2
Release Date: June 30
Story: Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual (双重的) identity as the crime superhero Spider-Man. He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane: meanwhile, his aunt May has fallen on hard times. A new villain(坏人) , Dr Otto Octavius, has appeared to cause more trouble.

King Arther
Release Date: July 7
Story: King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights(骑士) in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire(帝国). Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful, brave Guinevere, Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams
50. According to the passage, if you want to see a film whose leading actor is Jackie Chan, you will see the film on _____.
   A. June 4          B. June 16           C. June 30          D. July 7
51.In Spider-Man 2, Aunt May’s trouble is caused by_____.
   A. Peter Parker     B. Mary Jane         C. Dr. Otto Octavius  D. Spider-Man
52. Which of the following films is set in ancient Britain?
   A. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
   B. Around the World in 80 Days.
   C. Spider-Man 2
   D. King Arthur                                       
Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the United States today because it is about simple but strong human feelings and events-love, sadness, good times, and bad times. It tells real-life, stories and sounds the way people really talk. As life becomes more complicated(复杂), it is good to hear music about ordinary people.
Country music, sometimes called country-western, comes from two kinds of music. One is the traditional music of the people in the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern Unite States. The other is traditional cowboy music from the west. The singers usually play guitars, and in the 1920s they started using electric guitars. At first city people said country music was low class. It was popular mostly in the South. But during World War II, thousands of Southerners went to the Northeast and Midwest to work in the factories. They took their music with them. Soldiers from the rest of the country went to army camps(军营)in the South. They learned country music. Slowly it became popular all over the country.
Today country music is also popular everywhere in the United States and Canada—in small towns and in New York City, among black and white, and among educated and uneducated people. About 1, 200 radio stations broadcast country music twenty-four hours a day. English stars sing it in British English, and people in other countries sing it in their own languages. The music that started with cowboys and poor southerners is now popular all over the world.   
53. It can be learned from the passage that country music comes from       .
  A. the Northeast and Midwest
  B. factories and army camps in the South
  C. the Appalachian Mountains and the West
  D. real-life stories in small towns
54. Before World War II country music was popular mainly in       .
  A. the south           B. the north
  C. the Midwest        D. the Northeast
55. During World War II many Southerners went to the Northeast and the Mid-west because       .
  A. they wanted to take music with them
  B. they wanted to make other people like country music
  C. they wanted to work in the factories there
  D. they wanted to make country music popular
56. Country music is one of the most popular kinds of music in the world today because       .
  A. city people said it was low class
  B. people could sing it in many different languages
  C. it started with cowboys and poor Southerners
  D. it is loved by different kinds of people in the world
57. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
  A. Country music is about human feelings and events.
  B. Country music is sung by stars all in English.
  C. Country music is popular among city people today.
  D. City people didn’t like country music at first.
Corporations, markets, investors, and elites are going global. The globalization that is so often celebrated by economists, pundits (权威), corporate executives, and the leaders of the world’s richest nations is actually their “globalization from above.”               
Globalization from above can and should be contested by a “globalization from below” through which people at the grassroots around the world link up to impose their own needs and interests on the process of globalization. A movement embodying globalization from below is already emerging. Its global grassroots solidarity has the power to transform the world. Globalization gets mixed reviews. Greater interconnectedness among the world’s people seems to promise a “global village” in which the destructive opposition of the past can be left behind, replaced by global cooperation and enriching diversity. The advocates of a world without national economic barriers maintain that it will make everyone, including the people and countries at the bottom, better off.
But the actual experience of end-of-Mellenium globalization has not fulfilled this promise. Instead, it has given us more poor people than the world has ever known and increased threats to the environmental conditions on which human life itself depends. It has led many to fear the loss of hard-won social and environmental protections and even of meaningful self-government. Globalization from above is provoking a worldwide movement of resistance. While this movement has been gathering for years, many people first became aware of it in late 1999, when tens of thousands of protesters brought the Seattle meeting of the World Trade Organization to a halt. As The New York Times reported, “The surprisingly large protests in Seattle by critics of the World Trade Organization point to the emergence of a new and vocal coalition” that included “not just steelworkers and auto workers, but anti-sweatshop protesters from colleges across the nation and members of church groups, consumer groups, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and the Humane Society.”
This movement is neither a one-shot nor a local phenomenon. As Elaine Bernard, executive director of the Harvard Trade Union Program, put it in the Washington Post, “The WTO meeting was merely the place where these people burst onto the American public’s radar. Social movements around the world had already linked into grass-roots networks, made possible by the astonishing speed at which they can communicate in the Internet era.”
1. What is the bad effect of globalization from above?
A)        It ignores the needs and interests of people at the bottom.
B)        It only helps the privileged people.
C)        It causes many people to fear the social chaos.
D)        It deprives of ordinary people’s changing the society.
2. The “global village” in this passage refers to ____________.
A)        the destructive opposition of the past.
B)        economic unity of the world
C)        global cooperation and greater diversity.
D)        the whole world becoming one village.
3. Which of the following is not an actual consequence of end-of-Millenium globalization?
A) Loss of social and environmental protection.
B) More poor people than ever before.
C)        Worsening of global environmental conditions.
D) Elimination of national economic barriers.
4. The word “grassroots” in Line 5, Para 2 most probably means _______________.
A) the poorest people in the society
B) the leaders in the government
C)        the economists in the society
D) the ordinary people remote from political decisions
5. Which of the following could be the best title for this passage ?__________.
A) Globalization is Feasible
B) The Globalization Movement
C) The Globalization and Economy
D)        Globalization and WTO

Passage Two
Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.
Researchers find brain compartmentalizes dreams in two sleep periods: more aggressive dreams come during early stage of slumber. Your wildest dreams probably start soon after your head hits the pillow.A new study finds that more aggressive, emotionally charged dreams tend to occur in the early, rapid-eye-movement (REM) period of sleep, whereas deeper, non-REM slumber encourages gentler, kinder dreaming. The finding that the brain compartmentalizes dreams into two separate sleep periods may also put to rest the theory that dreams are no more than a meaningless rehash of random images, according to the researchers. “That’s been a very dominant theory for the past decade, and if our study gets replicated, then the hypothesis that dreams are random and without purpose is refuted,” said lead researcher Patrick McNamara, a professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine. Although the two are fundamental human functions, the debate continues as to the exact purpose, if any, of dreaming.
As McNamara explained, REM sleep occurs during the first couple of hours as you drift off, whereas non-REM sleep typically makes up the latter six hours in a normal eight-hour sleep cycle. During REM sleep, the brain remains somewhat more active than in non-REM sleep, especially when it comes to the brain’s emotional centers. As part of the experiment, the researchers woke participants during REM or non-REM sleep and had them verbally record their dreams, thoughts and feelings immediately before being roused from slumber.
Specifically, dreams in which the sleeper is being angry or “emotionally aggressive” towards another person were much more common in REM sleep. In fact, these socially aggressive dreams were never found to occur during non-REM sleep throughout the entire study. On the other hand, dreams involving friendly, non-threatening social interactions comprised 90 percent of all “socializing” type dreams recorded during non-REM sleep, the researchers report. For example, dreams may be the brain’s way of “rehearsing” social interactions, priming people for the emotional challenges to come. McNamara pointed out that certain genes help govern aggressive or passive behaviors, so it might be possible that these genes are more or less active during REM vs. non-REM slumber.
The fact that the brain’s emotional centers remain active during the early REM stage of sleep might also encourage emotionally aggressive dreams during that time, said sleep expert Richard Bootzin, of the University of Arizona. Bootzin said McNamara’s study “opens the door to lots of new questions,” but he cautioned that it did have limitations.
6. According to the passage the dreams which seem to be wild happens when you are ___________.
A) in your non-REM                                        B) in your REM period
C) extremely tired                                        D) very terrified
7. During the first couple of hours, your dreams are mostly __________.
A) pleasant and relaxed                                B) at random
C) gentle and kind                                        D) aggressive and emotional
8.Which of the following statements is True?
A) People have no idea of what kind of dream they will have when they go to sleep.
B) Dreams may have nothing to do with the real life.
C)        Dreams may have their purposes.
D) No one would like to believe in dreams.
9. The word “refuted” in Line 11, Para 1 may possibly mean ___________.
A) accepted                B) founded                C) criticized                D) mistaken
10. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A) Finding new ways to help people explain dreams.
B) Our dreams have certain regular patterns and have purposes.
C)        REM and non-REM sleep.
D)        Brain Movement and Sleep.

Section B Short Answer Questions
Directions: In this section, you will read a passage. After the passage there are 5 questions. Answer these 5 questions in the fewest possible words.
Passage Three
Questions are based on the following passage.
When I consider the relationship between language and economy, I never cease to be surprised to see how few studies exist, and to note the lack of systematic research into language choice, identity and market. Why should this be so? In my opinion, there are several reasons. In the first place, because the arguing relationship between language, identity and politics has dominated (or monopolized) the thinking of scientists and investigators; in second place, because once a linguistic market is in place, through the imposition of a legitimate language by the nation-state, this fact becomes a given, relegating the original symbolic violence to oblivion and intervening in its favor by preaching the need ostensibly to further linguistic exchange and communication and, in third place there is the fact that minority languages are in a state of economic dependence to such an extent that we are hindering from thinking of most of them in terms of linguistic markets not needing public intervention to sustain them.
There is relationship between economy and language that can be discerned, and this has more to do with the political economy of the language. That is, with the principles informing the regulation of the language market. It is this that Bourdieu refers to when he affirms that the official language came into being linked with the State --- both in its genesis and in terms of its social uses. The state language becomes the theoretical norm by which all other linguistic practices are objectively measured. It is during the constitution of the State that the conditions for the creation of a unified linguistic market are created, dominated by the official language: obligatory on official occasions, and in official places (schools, public administration, political institutions, etc.), and it is in this way that the state language becomes the theoretical norm by which all linguistic practices are objectively measured. It is assumed that no one is ignorant of linguistic law, which has its body of legal experts, its grammars, and its agents of control. The latter are the school teachers, invested with a special power: that of universally examining and applying the legal sanction of the school diploma to the linguistic results of the speaker-subjects under their protection.
11. According to the passage, what shocked the author?
12. The thinking of scientists and investigators has been dominated by _______.
13. What’s the state of minority language in comparison to state language?
14. How is the official language linked with the state?
15. What is an official language?

Section C Fast Reading
Directions: In this section, you will read a passage. After the passage, there are some statements. Decide which statement is true and which statement is false. Write T for true and F for false after each statement.
Passage Four
Questions are based on the following passage.
Culture has been defined as “the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another.” We are all members of many groups. With each membership, we encounter a unique culture. There is the culture of citizenship, family and church culture, ethnic culture, and many more. “Cross culture” suggests that multiple memberships produce a cross-breed of defining features taken from each unique group to form something altogether distinct and yet wholly dependent for its existence on the sum of the parts. That is one option and would quite possibly make for an interesting article. But such is not the intent of this author.  
The cross I refer to is described by The Random House College Dictionary as, “a structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse piece, upon which persons were formerly put to death.” Those who believe in Jesus of Nazareth, His death at the hand of the Romans, and more importantly, His resurrection, are defined by the culture of the cross. At the foot of the cross, we are confident of truth and of our ability to know it. We believe we may seek and find the truth.  
To undertake, along with a discussion of cross culture, a discussion of the “culture of unbelief,” presumes that there is a group of people who are defined, not by what they accept or reject as true, but by the fact that they do not consider truth as something that may be known. This is, in many ways, a description of our generation. The experts tell us it is no longer a matter of “which truth” but “if truth,” and we believe the experts.  
The two cultures, of unbelief and of the cross, while diametrically opposed, are intimately related: one picks up where the other ends. We started NeoPolitique because we grew weary of hearing that truth eludes us; that we may, at best, have only shifting shades of meaning. Our quest for answers in NeoPolitique – answers for this generation – begins with a belief that truth exists. The new politics includes a confidence in authority and a belief that it can be directed and properly limited according to an unwavering standard of truth.  
The Scriptures say that “the word of the cross is to those who are perishing, foolishness, but to those who are being saved it is the power of God.” If your first response to the culture of the cross is mockery, look deeper. Don’t stop with ridicule. Consider for a moment that the words are true, that the appearance of foolishness is evidence of perishing, and “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” You may decide, at the end of your search, that you do not like what you turn up. But, if you merely accept the noise of post-modern culture, which says there is no truth, you surrender your power to choose.
True or False
16. The author intends to give an interesting presentation about culture differences.
17The cross is a symbol of belief and truth for those who believe in Jesus.
18. The culture of our generation is defined by experts as unbelief.
19. NeoPolitique is based on the belief that governments often abuse power without limit.
20 We should strive to find out the truth instead of standing aside with doubt
Globalization has been fostered by technological progress, which is reducing the costs of transportation and communications between countries. Dramatic falls in the cost of telecommunications, of processing, storing and transmitting information, make it much easier to track down and close on business opportunities around the world, to coordinate operations in far-flung locations, or to trade online services that previously were not internationally tradable at all.
It may not be surprising (though it is not very helpful) that “globalization” is sometimes used in a much broader economic sense, as another name for capitalism or the market economy. When used in this sense the concerns expressed are really about key features of the market economy, such as production by privately-owned and profit-motivated corporations, frequent reshuffling of resources according to changes in supply and demand, and unpredictable and rapid technological change. It is certainly important to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the market economy as such, and to better understand the institutions and policies needed to make it work most effectively. And societies need to think hard about how to best manage the implications of rapid technological change. But there is little to be gained by confusing these distinct (though related) issues with economic globalization in its core sense, that is, the expansion of cross-border economic ties.
The best way to deal with the changes being brought about by the international integration of markets for goods, services and capital is to be open and honest about them. As this series of Briefs note, globalization brings opportunities, but it also brings risks. While exploiting the opportunities for higher economic growth and better living standards that more openness brings, policy makers — international, national and local — also face the challenge of mitigating the risks for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized, and of increasing equity and inclusion.
Even when poverty is falling overall, there can be regional or sectoral increases about which society needs to be concerned. Over the last century the forces of globalization have been among those that have contributed to a huge improvement in human welfare, including raising countless millions out of poverty. Going forward, these forces have the potential to continue bringing great benefits to the poor, but how strongly they do so will also continue to depend crucially on factors such as the quality of overall macroeconomic policies, the workings of institutions, both formal and informal, the existing structure of assets, and the available resources, among many others. In order to arrive at fair and workable approaches to these very real human needs, government must listen to the voices of all its citizens.
1.Which of the following statements is NOT a factor that makes globalization easier   to track down around the world?
A) the great decrease of the cost of telecommunications
B) reducing the cost of transportation
C)        processing, storing and transmitting information
D)        technological progress
2. When globalization is used for capitalism or the market economy, it refers to ________.
A)        profit-motivated corporations
B)        key features of the market economy
C)        frequent reshuffling of resources
D)        unpredictable and rapid technological change
3. The most efficient approach to coping with the changes caused by the international integration of markets is to ________.
A)        manage the implications of rapid change
B)        bring more opportunities
C)        increase equity and inclusion
D)        be open and honest
4. The word “mitigating” in Line 7 Para 3 most probably refers to ____________.
A) reducing                                                        B) becoming more severe
C) relieving                                                        D) limiting
5. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?
A)        Technology Progress and Market Economy
B)        Globalization, Market Economy and Poverty
C)        Reasons of Globalization
D)        Pros and Cons for Globalization

Passage Two
Questions are based on the following passage.
Immigration always has been controversial in the United States. More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin worried that too many German immigrants would swamp America’s predominantly British culture. In the mid-1800s, Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy drunks, not to mention Roman Catholics. At the turn of the century a wave of “new immigrants” — Poles, Italians, Russian Jews — were believed to be too different ever to assimilate into American life. Today the same fears are raised about immigrants from Latin America and Asia, but current critics of immigration are as wrong as their counterparts were in previous eras.
Immigration is not undermining the American experiment; it is an integral part of it. America is a nation of immigrants. Successive waves of immigrants have kept the country demographically young, enriched the culture and added to productive capacity as a nation, enhancing the influence in the world. Immigration gives the United States an economic edge in the world economy. Immigrants bring innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit to the U.S. economy. They provide business contacts to other markets, enhancing America’s ability to trade and invest profitably in the global economy. They keep our economy flexible, allowing U.S. producers to keep prices down and to respond to changing consumer demands. An authoritative 1997 study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded that immigration delivered a “significant positive gain” to the U.S. economy. In testimony before Congress last year, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan said, “I’ve always argued that this country has benefited immensely from the fact that we draw people from all over the world.”
Contrary to popular myth, immigrants do not push Americans out of jobs. Immigrants tend to fill jobs that Americans cannot or will not fill, mostly at the high and low ends of the skill spectrum. Immigrants are disproportionately represented in such high-skilled fields as medicine, physics and computer science, but also in lower-skilled sectors such as hotels and restaurants, domestic service, construction and light manufacturing. Immigrants also raise demand for goods as well as the supply. During the long boom of the 1990s, and especially in the second half of the decade, the national unemployment rate fell below 4 percent and real wages rose up and down the income scale during a time of relatively high immigration.
Nowhere is the contribution of immigrants more apparent than in the high-technology and other knowledge-based sectors. Silicon Valley and other high-tech sectors would cease to function if we foolishly were to close our borders to skilled and educated immigrants. These immigrants represent human capital that can make our entire economy more productive. Immigrants have developed new products, such as the Java computer language, that have created employment opportunities for millions of Americans.
6. What does the word “swamp” in Line 3 Para. 1  probably mean?
A) soak in the water                                B) flood to a large extent
C) overwhelm                                        D) compete with each other
7. What is the author’s attitude toward the critics of immigration?
A)        Negative                B) Positive                C) Indifferent                D) Ironical
8. Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?
A) Immigration is a necessary part for the American experiment.
B)        Immigrants have increased the productivity of U.S.
C)        Immigrants bring original ideas to the U.S. economy.
D)        Immigration is actually damaging the American experiment.
9. What contributions do immigrants make to the Americans?
A)        Immigrants fill jobs only at the high and low ends of the skill range.
B)        Immigrants help Americans build the country in every sector.
C)        Immigrants push Americans out of job in the high-tech area.
D)        Immigrants have kept the country demographically young.
10. The most obvious sector which can embody the contribution of immigrants should be ________.
A)        human capital sector
B)        sector which can create employment opportunities
C)        medicine and computer science
D)        high-tech sector

Section B Short Answer Questions
Directions: In this section, you will read a passage. After the passage there are 5 questions. Answer these 5 questions in the fewest possible words.
Passage Three
Questions are based on the following passage.
There are advantages of a natural language being a lingua franca.
First, the natural way of forming a lingua franca is that a natural language gets more and more widely used as the result of trade or political power. At various times and places in the history, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Arabic, Mandarin, Chinook and Swahili enabled people who were not native speakers of those languages to communicate with speakers of another language altogether. They are lingua franca to some extent, but never is a language used so dominantly by so many people in so many countries as English is used today, while an artificial language, such as Esperanto, is never influential enough to be used as the sole official language in any organization. It’s unlikely for a government to adopt an artificial language as an official language. Therefore, it is more natural for a natural language to develop into a lingua franca.
Second, there has been a great pool of knowledge in or translated into a natural language, such as English, which is a clear advantage for a natural language being the lingua franca. If we adopt a brand new artificial language, everyone in the world need to learn it, and almost everything concerned with international communication need to be translated, which seems quite implausible.
Third, natural language is well developed and can be used to express nearly every thing, while an artificial language is not naturally formed, but invented by a person or a group, thus inevitably has some flaws. What’s more, language is the carrier of culture, and the spread of language will be accompanied by the spread of its culture. There is something that can’t be expressed in another language about a specific culture. People need to learn this language in order to understand its culture. However, an artificial language does not carry a specific culture with it, so it has limitations in representing a culture and it is unlikely and not possible to express every idea in a specific culture. English has a few points in its favor. It is expressive, having more words than any other language, but of course this means you have more words to learn. English grammar is fairly simple compared to other European languages, and it is also a highly idiomatic and metaphorical language.
11. Why is it a bad idea for an artificial language to become a lingua franca?
12. An artificial language always has some defects because_____________.  
13. The relation between culture and language is that the spread of language will be accompanied by the spread of its culture and _____________.
14. The reason that an artificial language has limitations in representing a culture is ____________________________.
15. Why is English a more possible lingua franca than other languages?
Section C Fast Reading
Directions: In this section, you will read a passage. After the passage, there are some statements. Decide which statement is true and which statement is false. Write T for true and F for false after each statement.
Passage Four
Questions are based on the following passage.
  Whenever the terms Buddhism and Taoism are mentioned, one tends to invoke the vision of temples, idol worships, incense sticks, fortune telling etc.. Unfortunately, like many other systems of philosophy and religion that had deviated from their origins; corrupted by clerics and usurped by religious leader for purposes of their own; Buddhism and Taoism started not as a religion, but rather, as a philosophy.
   Contrary to the superstitious versions of Buddhism and Taoism that come with a multitudes of gods, the original Buddhist and Taoist philosophy considered the concept of god as irrelevant.
     In Buddhism, the ultimate goal is to reach a state free from earthly pains and sorrows. This state could be attainable by following certain ways of getting rid of earthly attachments and desires. Buddhist believed in that anxiety is a result of desire. By getting rid of your desires, you release yourself form all anxieties. “Buddha” is not a god but a “state of being” to strive for.
    The central idea in Taoism is the harmony of nature and the need for man to be part of that harmony. Everything we know is encompassed in nature. The universe, and all things in it, run according to the “Tao” . The concept of a rewarding and punishing god is considered to be ludicrous.
   Many religions have God as the creator of the universe and left it at that. Everything is assumed to be concrete. There is no discussion about space, time, reality , perception etc.. These religions are more concerned with how men and women should behave in order to please god and how god must be glorified and worshiped. In other words, men and women are created so that there is some one around to glorify the work of god. They strongly believe that if there is a god that have the ability to create all the universe and the wonders in it, he/she would be beyond this pettiness of needing someone to constantly chanting about how great he/she is.
   In Buddhism and Taoism, there is a considerable part of their doctrine devoted to the search for an understanding of the concepts of space, time, real reality and perceived reality.
    In Quantum Mechanics we talk about a measured quantity as being the result of an interaction between the measuring instrument and the quantum states of a system. The true quantum state cannot be measured without having the state being altered.  In Buddhism, the world of our perceptions is the result of the interaction between our senses and the true world. The reality we perceive is but a distorted image of the true world; a construction of our sensory perception. Of course, this idea is not unique. Plato talked about the shadows in the caves and Immanual Kant talked about noumenal (本体的) and phenomenal world.
True or False
16. Buddhism and Taoism were originally more of a religion than of a philosophy.
17. Buddhism advocates that man shouldn’t have any desire.
18. Many religions in the world, including Taoism, believe that man is a part of nature.
19. The uniqueness of Buddhism and Taoism is that they include concepts of space, time, real reality and perceived reality in their doctrine.
20. Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics are similar to each other in that the reality we perceive is distorted.

66. For heavy smokers, __________(定期的) medical checks are advisable
67.People pay little attention to __    ______(过路人)
68.Mars will be further ___     _____ (探索) by human beings.
69. The manager thanked the customer_____     ___ (亲自) by inviting him to dinner.
70. He comes from a family with a high ___________(收入).
71.Mr.Zhang __________(搬走) the desk from his son’s room.
72.This painting is very __________(有价值的) and it is worth more than 100,000 dollars.
73.We have a __________(本地的) newspaper in our city.
74.The hall is _________________(装饰) with flowers.
75. The naughty boy took the clock __________.(分离)
    37.You can't park——(在办公楼前).
    38.——Can l use the phone in the hall?
       一——(恐怕不能).That’s a fax machine use for work.
    39. ——(想喝点什么),wine or beer?
    40.You need to——(退烧),肋you should take some aspirins.
    41.He is not very tall and wears glasses.
    42.She doesn’t like borrowing things from others.
    43.Can l go to have lunch before 12 O'clock?
    44.I think the area is too dirty and too noisy and the flat's too far from the tube.
    45.It takes about forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi

    I often dream of a teacher , I dream of standing on the               76.            
platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys         77.            
and girls . I teach them , play with them , but watch them         78.            
growing up . I am always young when I was staying         79.            
with them . I know there is not easy to be a teacher . You         80.           
have to learn in order to teach . Without enough knowledges,        81.           
you can never learn well .What is more , you have to         82.           
be friends with your pupils and take good care of him .        83.           
Only in this way can you be a good teacher and win         84.           
respect from them . Though I am a student now , I will
work as very hard to make my dream come true .                85.         

IV. Translation:
1. 那个流动医疗队由五个医生、八个护士组成。

2. 我们去那儿之前不妨给他们打个电话。

3. 紧急情况下人们往往会失去理性。

4. 在面试过程中,他一直小心翼翼地回避有关工资的话题。

5. 苏珊承认现在帮助汤姆已为时太晚。

6. 你学习开车时,有一位好老师关系重大。

7. 我喜欢偶尔和老朋友一起去看电影。

8. 他的成功完全是因为努力工作的结果。

9. 我们曾经收到到那架飞机失事前发出的无线电求救信号。

10. 如果你坚持努力,你必定会成功。
36.You'll be here tomorrow,——?(是不是)
    37.They said一•(他们不知道书在哪儿)
    38.When I see her,    (我会告诉她有关她儿子的事情).
    39.A:Do you like those two websites?
    40.A:Hurry up,we haven't got much time.The film is about to begin.
    B:Yes,    (我们有足够的时间).We can get a taxi to get there.
41. Football is played by more than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.
42. I've got the same sense of humour as my mum.
43. He got on well with his classmates.
44. He used to work very hard when he was young.
45. My family is putting me up at the moment, but I am thinking of buying my own

1. Writing: Write a composition according to one of the following topic:

A  Real  Friend

学生群体        音乐形式
大部分        流行歌曲(很多歌手、乐队)
部  分        摇滚,爵士乐,乡村音乐等
部  分        古典音乐,民乐等
3.Directions: In this section you are required to write a composition with the title My Approach To Personal Success. You should base your composition on the outlines given below.
1. The importance of personal competence and success in a society
2. My personal experience on the way to a successful life-long career
3. My suggestions on how to be a successful person
4.Directions: In this section you are required to write a composition on What Would Happen if No Attention Was Paid to the Environmental Protection? You should write according to the outlines given below.
1. Environmental protection as a new branch of science and enterprise.
2. The serious pollution situation in our country as well as all over the world.
3. My idea on how to build a better sustainable social environment in the next century


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