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-[南开大学]20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)《大学英语(一)》在线作业5 Q" h6 \& c& U% V1 f9 c" t! t
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,A:What TV programmes do you like?
B: I (  )London Lives.
A、like watching
B、like to watching
C、like watch' U( H& |& X% _. I
正确答案:% [8 h6 S8 t7 u  g7 j

$ D( ~) Z5 V) K* D
第2题,She usually goes to work (  )foot.5 G$ Z$ d% o% m  G: ]+ C
# S  I* ?# n( _: d
8 u5 V0 B% a- Y% p- W& V2 r$ t7 u$ R7 Y
第3题,A  ), Polly?0 H) `/ y8 q( g/ ]* k
B:I'd like a glass of wine, thank you.& x& T  }( `! B
A、Do you want7 L( R) G. m. A4 ?
B、What would you like" w! F1 e# u0 y2 @  p
C、What you like/ C& a5 M7 ?& a# l
正确答案:. `0 \8 \! i: _- x7 v
& ]: y0 S6 L& K* q
8 n9 i. s* K5 M
第4题,His children found it hard to  ____ him from the simple way of life in the countryside.
C、tighten4 {* m% B6 ?' D( n* h& v, r& {
正确答案 H- r6 e' p# B2 I# \: K+ w
$ `' q5 Q& J8 U( ^8 |

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),We are going to have Mid-term Examination at 7:00 this evening. ____ late for it.- Z& M3 P7 N1 c0 n- U9 h8 e* }2 M
A、Be sure not to be$ q; J) D1 F- i  K& g, c+ ^5 a6 L  v
B、Be sure of not being
C、Don't be sure to be( ^; _  L# g& K9 \( M4 a6 j
D、Be sure of being( Q" L1 ?8 W2 @" s5 O5 Q4 ~9 R
正确答案:# u& {$ ]5 U9 q; C

3 P! H; b6 |5 J% M
第6题,A:Why don't you go to an estate agent, then, you're talking face to face?
B:Well, (  ).
A、I would like2 B* q# g8 x6 G, b
B、That's a shame
C、I don't know- O. V6 {4 [) k/ \

第7题,I am (  ) engineer.
C、/9 H/ ]" y; R7 g0 X8 H- S
正确答案:' C7 s' |! t3 D

第8题,A:I am from England.
B: (  ).* p3 U" n8 L. D9 p! s
A、So am I
B、So do I
C、So have I
正确答案:, n6 _8 l. h. d/ h9 `$ E6 G
% `, a' i3 @* |# p6 _8 V4 o

第9题,Do you have(  ) friends in Shanghai?3 N. k+ l5 k- S9 D! d
A、many( d2 U9 {/ C# e" T4 L
C、not7 r7 A  c3 Q. e& s
  F0 f# y# I& G* j% N0 U& i$ U) Y4 D

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),A: (  )?
B:Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.
A、Do you have any family
B、Where are your father and mother* j( Y- P! r1 D* X/ r1 r) z
C、Have you any family. ~8 c/ G3 S' j

第11题,Now that she is sick with cold, I feel I ____ have stopped her from going out in the rain.
A、could; S% E7 V, N) A3 `
D、ought to

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Pam will not come to our meeting next week. She (  ) in France from Monday till * e8 Y8 T, o3 q/ C7 ?. L+ O
Thursday.# l6 Q: f) n) T! h* d8 W' z
A、is staying
B、are staying
C、stay9 t8 x  ^# e2 q* P4 Q
正确答案:& [+ r1 [; \  v2 n& t( Y

4 Z* |2 S( ^. z
第13题,He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday. That's what he ____.
A、should do
B、should be doing) G$ o/ o* G' S! S+ l% G
C、should have done
D、should have
正确答案:2 ~# J/ _* Z1 j* o* H

  ]0 s9 l9 i- X
第14题,He (  )in travelling.
A、is interested
B、interested  t& u& r8 I$ w- `
C、interests! B7 P1 e4 Y# f' ?2 S6 B

8 |  I1 E2 y: B; U
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),My cousin doesn't (  )  serious (严肃的) TV programmes on the weekends.3 n& V- d4 f) S( B  B
A、like watch
B、enjoy watching. F$ h- M& M9 R3 }
C、love watch
1 i/ w4 Q2 Z, d4 x' K; n
: G7 o2 w1 A0 A5 s
第16题,Johnnie's hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and ____ in position.+ b6 u+ Q9 N* w& u& y3 \- D" [
A、Privilege9 G+ _5 f, C: M( j3 ~
C、compliments* ?/ f+ n8 J% G% \
正确答案:" f! i0 F9 ?- T  u. G/ c& b2 s8 i
2 l5 h% \* ^& g  G; I
9 @/ t# a! H3 ^* e5 z( }* A
第17题,This is my new watch. It was a present (  )my wife.
A、at9 E- u! D9 w3 N0 M
正确答案:3 D9 d) T+ c. a; e

; V7 f% I; H$ l3 n$ W. }
第18题,A:Where is David?5 P* q" q. i5 B- g* ~2 a! o/ P- B
B:He is having lunch in (  )  Chinese restaurant on (  )  seventh floor.7 K3 z9 u" D6 j6 S
A、a, a% N/ G0 T0 G# R. Y$ D
B、an, the' R8 b3 ?& r" u* M2 u  [
C、the, the
, J1 z$ Z3 L: f- r6 W, c
% I8 \+ ]0 b4 c* L6 \% J
第19题,Forced by his heartless son into signing the paper, the poor old man could do nothing but tremble and ____.% }  b& S% a; Z
B、splutter, M" L8 l7 w8 R
正确答案:+ M; {# m" i' s3 n/ ?2 |. N6 v

6 Z2 S$ i2 S; u3 `
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),A. Oh, dear. I've got a temperature. 3 ~: F4 D" x7 \7 P6 i/ V* Y; |
B. You (  )have some aspirins to reduce it.
B、need* j3 F+ m' o# P0 g( {0 w8 o

第21题,Williams (  )in London, not in China.
A、live. U% ?+ c/ q0 n
C、is live
正确答案:1 }! Y+ F( \3 ]8 C$ I' }2 {

% K5 m8 K$ s0 n0 a# ]* A
第22题,You will never be able to enter that university ____you get very high scores on the examinations next month.1 g& E. Y% Y2 q$ `0 ^
B、as. J; \. E" C" P& @* Y5 \
C、although* o7 [3 `9 Z" v" M! O+ U
D、unless$ j# D& p5 Y3 Q/ r1 v/ e

第23题,A: Whose dog is it? 5 p9 C/ J' y9 E0 y  b
B:  (  )our dog. (  )name is Rex.
A、It's...It's0 @  o- k7 x# Z' J- `7 L
B、Its... Its
C、It's... Its2 J* T; l) E" e$ A9 t% t7 K! R
: K8 P6 t& C* P# q

第24题,No passenger is allowed to stick his head out of the window lest ____.
A、he is hurt
B、he be hurt3 ?  a5 b; R6 W* W: t% A
C、he will be hurt
D、he is to be hurt9 v5 P1 g& k# m. Y0 p8 b
正确答案:9 ~5 G+ R, U3 l0 y, D
! q3 @& X5 l0 N" _" N% P' D" Z) o3 h

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),A  ), David?( w' I) a. f" @/ b* Q
B:An orange juice.  o/ }9 u( _$ T
A、What do you like9 m, ?2 W4 w2 }8 r. e2 x
B、What would you like- v) ?+ [4 u$ Y
C、Would you like an orange juice

第26题,David likes fish(  )breakfast.
C、in) e! A; o4 C3 t% j
正确答案:; A6 V6 f. }! _# N  C1 v
7 j% F  t5 E+ v6 j

第27题,Communication is necessary and fruitful between different ____.
A、Distractions% \2 a3 q6 r5 R& ]; b3 C
B、reactions4 Y7 f3 ^8 @! D( d7 T
C、generations" O: ?& E, V. l
正确答案:1 K" p9 F( w( Y* L. p
3 C' u+ d  _. S$ w* n4 C) |5 q: e: N
7 r$ b. O4 p+ X% F# y' Q. ]: J0 D
第28题,The French restaurants are nice, but they are (  )!
A、not enough nice4 ]6 ]7 v9 A8 ^# {9 \, t
B、comfortable7 M, t1 y- {5 v$ S! N
C、too expensive

0 f( D5 x3 D+ Z7 D4 `  o) {) V2 s
第29题,Have you got (  ) lychees?
B、any$ t. N; h+ y( Z; ?4 e# s+ N
正确答案:1 {* J) b9 o2 Y6 j/ {

/ Q& Q: e- k; e& z# g( _# r9 D
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Forced by his heartless son into signing the paper, the poor old man could do nothing but tremble and ____.* ]) ?+ U2 {  c6 g& F2 Q5 @
A、flutter% K) m$ L" E" Y" c
B、splutter" {3 v" n1 z8 W: c
C、chatter9 s9 J1 N3 |' ~/ m
正确答案:9 G2 J* @* k! e; |

第31题,This is where you work, Xiaoyan. That is your desk and this is (  )." J* w- A$ [. g! p" {; q, i
A、my desks1 G  p) M% X4 e  h; L
C、desk of me
2 I/ F1 d* V6 t7 q3 c+ r6 R
" ~3 [4 J4 @, ~2 H" v
第32题,A:Hello, Linda, how are you?8 ~" b: o, X' V! c
B  ).
A、Very good. Are you good?9 a/ ~0 s* J* ]9 }% N+ Z+ c
B、Very well, thank you. And you?
C、Hello, Rose, how do you do?
正确答案:9 A& J; i) x" K! S0 ?5 J# ]
) ?7 [  l. Z! o+ U" y

第33题,I come here twice a week to swim and (  ).' V. R3 X  X7 D
A、work1 B7 g2 Q2 t4 H; ]# Q* K8 M7 I
B、work out3 X# y( ~! R2 ?- D
C、work to; {& J, {4 D7 D7 t1 y
7 E8 w5 `) w3 N

第34题,A:  (  ) will the meal take?
B:It'll take two hours, I think.5 e- R, X) e# q, W9 B- C2 C& [
A、How long
B、How many$ g9 P' n5 F* {$ N2 b
C、How much8 e* ]" A9 e" t! i- v

/ P7 {8 \0 G  [4 M/ x
第35题,We will have to ____ the matter carefully before we can draw any conclusion.' w* }2 f+ z1 ?3 {; Z0 C+ c
A、find out
B、look into
C、search for
D、base on
正确答案:' k" s( ^' f$ W& |8 n& R/ `
0 z+ f7 v: D# b. e. z
/ L1 V6 h1 H, ]% [+ \( S
第36题,Tell me about your new friend. (  )is he like?7 z. e, a, a( `
A、How" ]4 {2 {- K/ H  J/ f0 V. G2 G, M
C、Why! r( x1 N9 g8 F6 I6 @4 }% l+ A! t- u

第37题,A: I have a light breakfast early in the morning.
B  ).
A、So have I3 C" z% Z" q) L
B、Me too5 U, f: t$ J$ |' b" q8 w" M' O& r. m
C、So am I
正确答案:9 d2 m) Y6 \" h* h7 M- f( q

第38题,The youth centers set up by the city government have  ____ those young people to spend their time wisely.
B、occupied- ~5 W8 E# M  a1 h0 c( g" ^
D、prohibited; a+ y8 j/ t+ D7 }" a
正确答案:* l! {3 F( K6 I7 P. w

第39题,David's mother insisted that he ____before ten every night.
A、must go to bed
B、goes to bed4 U7 S4 _. i! v/ I% p
C、go to bed% ?) G) I1 ^! I& h# W/ o
D、has gone to bed+ m3 ]1 V0 W* R! h& r; H
3 s4 \) ]. W& F/ m/ K3 H6 Q
2 @9 S3 ^. s: u% e8 n+ c
第40题,The farmers  ____  a mysterious object flying over when they made their way home.
A、kept up with" d% }. [+ i; ~
B、caught sight of: `7 Q' V: ]6 u
C、made use of
D、held themselves in% ~, y& H6 \" L
正确答案:% e( n4 S  ?7 n: }3 B% @

- o* ~) H) P5 Q; E% t: ?8 W; v# [
第41题,Don't worry. We have enough time to finish  ____  the food and drinks before the guests arrive.
A、setting aside
B、laying out
C、smoothing out; Z5 G* r% W/ D$ c3 w6 B
D、taking over

8 O+ @5 ^* R: s$ @7 u
第42题,A  ) you like a drink? Wine? Beer?
B:A beer, please.
& l1 Y/ X7 K' H& g' x' L6 q

第43题,It often (  ) in winter in the north of China.( K# u; v+ j8 z( p, p* O
B、is snowing. d# N& I' T* a  B$ p7 T
C、snows/ `3 x7 i6 q4 K! X1 p

第44题,I'm confused a bout your intention and can  ____  decide on what to do.
A、necessarily& h6 Q+ O% y# d! R; o' A: O
C、previously5 a: u/ A( J0 |  t. T( `% C# ]
D、barely1 g) ~  `) L0 D; x) x. G  {

' S; y! [& U% P6 u
第45题,My brother used ____ in the same office with John. They are very good friends.( k  B( c8 `; k, |  T4 p* r
A、to work6 d0 X) d6 T4 _7 I# e$ _* A
C、work9 \7 Q+ ~3 I0 s" l
D、worked# L4 o% C# ]" t  H% _! Q1 s
7 _, M7 Q1 W% I6 h' o- B
2 n! ]0 `; [0 c; Z5 d- M
第46题,Polly is very busy. She (  )work at about 7.00 every day.2 z) S; I1 F1 O% ?/ {) B, ^
A、finish' D6 |: u5 X" v# j, j; H; a
B、does finishes
; y$ s2 z  Z* h
8 o8 s) ^: P: k, b+ ]
第47题,In the past few years the workers have got no wage increases ____ their doubled production.
B、because of
C、even if
D、in spite of) ~9 y9 w4 A+ h  E& X7 F5 C
正确答案* Y1 t$ C0 [  W7 t2 m) x

第48题,A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone.
B  ).$ w3 A" M. A) Q9 z7 k$ Z
A、Are you? I am fine.
B、Yes, why don't you call them?
C、Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.
$ e- e, |9 y& N7 |" ^/ e
2 O4 u2 f- |, z+ j% N: U; V
第49题,Xiaoyan has a reservation (  )a single room.0 m; C% N) F) z1 {! k) t7 f+ w  `% _+ u
A、to0 C! V$ c6 g6 e$ T+ S. i7 F9 R- B% ?% {
B、for- z4 z4 y9 J- a6 v5 O) V3 U
C、at* E; ]8 u  s' X6 Q  S
正确答案:! Z1 |# e/ R& O* l) M' N& J

I usually go to the office (  )train.
B、by( b; Y* S/ ~" R  m

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