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[南开大学]20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)《大学英语(三)》在线作业! C% j1 X$ |7 V
试卷总分:100    得分:100. W! m+ M' O0 s& J$ i7 r1 U" g
第1题,He is a kind-hearted and(  )gentleman." z8 V4 H% L, b( x0 I
A、respective: j4 S3 L; x* M& K1 z3 o$ n
C、respected. O8 j4 G1 x3 k# y

: _9 [9 F) t) I$ E5 V
第2题,We consider(  )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.
A、that it necessary) X8 m$ N) e: N1 j1 F1 o
B、it necessary that! H0 V/ \* u! }7 k. d' B3 T2 A
C、necessary that
D、necessary of it that
正确答案:- ]* L1 n; e% D- s1 u) t* v) M
( ?# T/ g5 R/ F6 e
& P) r" K! ]7 k' i
第3题,- Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?
- (  ).
A、Yes, but I'll have English classes4 ]7 E; Y8 {) p; L
B、Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. Brown
C、I'm afraid I have no idea
D、I won't. It's kind of you. |8 X; T* J" P' F  Q( o! `& M

* V( u% h7 @$ v+ o# Y4 A/ n
第4题,- Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?2 K) S& o% V: e) T+ Z' D$ a. `4 @
- (  )." ?% @- |% A7 Z" S( X
A、Certainly. Here you are
B、Please don't mention it
C、It's nothing
D、Yes, I have a hand& G  w' F/ }7 Z2 ]
正确答案:* a8 J$ T* r! P3 ]2 a7 V7 s
6 L" O& R/ M" E" a3 B' i' ~0 x

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),- What about going for a walk?
- (  ).
A、Walking is good to you4 j$ u& v  o1 g# U" Q6 r# x0 b9 n
B、That's all right% i+ l- J6 Q; T! K1 i, L
C、So, do I& J$ }& ^, y& T
D、Why not? A good idea
- D0 c! G) l" J$ j5 S: K

第6题,- What would you like, tea or coffee?1 x! ^" I0 `9 `! Z! X& b0 j) |
- (  ).
A、Yes, I would
B、Coffee, please
C、Yes, please
D、It's very nice
正确答案:; h; h2 i- O1 N! [* j

第7题,Once you're into basketball, you'll find(  )great fun to play as a way to relax.
A、it8 Q, d+ {* U% h7 a, J4 P
正确答案:. M9 g2 C0 @! e  X1 k, U% M6 o
! }* ~8 `" P; |  v3 c. O! P: v
- A4 X- K1 L3 S/ C5 n$ B7 I& z
第8题,- Hello, could I speak to Don please?( @$ L4 G) C3 P& S  d% h8 n# j0 @
- (  )?
A、Who are you
B、What's the problem
C、Are you Jane  w; M7 Q: {2 N, ?6 C, g
D、Who's speaking
正确答案( [$ _" n4 ?1 g- o9 R6 O
, Y( {' U+ h+ m1 c9 |3 F$ {" R8 C
3 w# _2 H4 `# v, f3 W/ O
第9题,(  )all we should put the theory into practice.

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Smith drove all the(  )to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23rd Olympic Games.
A、way2 ?/ z6 {2 z' c9 t1 k( J4 _
C、journey0 B, V2 {' M8 g; K
) G5 F" Q6 S9 g0 b/ \4 C
! O% I9 [9 t2 F
第11题,He carried on(  )after his accident.
A、to work- Z; }# L$ O; b1 F6 J/ y0 i4 {
B、work+ Y  [3 X/ c7 k9 b. }3 `
C、working& Q' Q. o9 l- g
D、worked: A" S6 O8 }  K5 K* ^
正确答案:! \- _  L+ X+ b, H
& |, x1 l/ V+ A- Q

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),- What subjects are you studying?0 h* D- j- l' H7 m; G3 V9 n
- (  ).
A、Yes, I'm studying history
B、I'm studying now
C、I'm studying philosophy* ]" F3 i5 C) G7 G: ^
D、I'm doing my homework5 V2 Q" m  D4 z/ o6 U8 a- x" M1 u9 H9 e

第13题,- We want to sit at the table near the window.' B" N# o( N' u1 P3 Q/ @* |
- I'm sorry, but(  )already.
A、it took# [5 h0 z+ D- ?3 K
B、it takes
C、it is being taken1 Y, O) `  Z8 L1 i# Y
D、it has been taken
正确答案:  h3 b, F6 ?5 l  O+ o$ ?2 N

第14题,The road(  )built last year.+ s. c1 R* Y! i
A、has been
B、has being built
C、is being: x6 d* G3 p& s/ _# [
正确答案  T5 Z& A& Y- v1 k6 V

答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),- Will you have some dessert, Judy?
- (  ).
A、No, thank you. I'm on a diet
B、Yes, I've had enough/ ^/ i3 p, y: N  |2 p
C、You are so good at making it2 Z, Y! {) e, ^6 o4 C. i* ?, M
D、Oh, I don't mind# c. L# u# z! H: z$ V# x4 G5 v  \( ]

第16题,- Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?& ~; [: A5 D9 O: F) d
- (  ).) ^/ L% D* e/ b; F3 s
A、I'd like to buy it
B、It's of very good quality7 x9 K" b6 g7 L
C、About eighty-five dollars
D、It depends on how you like it9 O  }+ n6 c4 p1 Z* E' \
" x' C* S' o! Z. E, M7 J
. X* `' v- b, c- m% G, }
第17题,Bush's farm(  )is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.
A、street* b9 ]! {  i7 }2 u8 S
B、road+ C6 Z- m( u. }' d
C、lane2 W0 r( S. `; s& a6 q: u. M
D、avenue, }1 h6 h( S  l/ i! q
1 h8 G: ?! h- S$ S5 `
" [& I9 h! @7 @# B* ^4 L+ G+ O, G
第18题,If I had more money, I(  )travel around the world.: F, e6 `: w* j6 r/ |7 X1 i# G
* R6 a0 ~$ Q/ O) [4 ]' Q% Q
# E1 }6 T" W. a  P
第19题,- I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.
- (  ).1 k& T4 [. s: \- S
A、The appointment is put off
B、You look sick and weak. D7 C5 F2 N4 f) x! N
C、Please wait for a minute. He is busy now+ D' K( t, A# ~' L6 _, N
D、Tell me your ID number

& t# C, f( h% X2 `, h/ F
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),She was convicted(  )murder.8 Q) o9 d* L. _8 L6 b- `' X
A、to* ~' \  r: ~: O6 x) |. @7 L3 E
C、with4 g! V8 v* {2 n3 v, C, E% Q
D、of1 ?* t! e5 C, h  h5 v- U2 |
正确答案/ E5 [! X  R" H& c
4 R5 R( ^* c1 |/ G7 @' v
- k# ^3 @# K% @* `! Z: [
第21题,People wandering in the fairground or park area(  )wear a uniform.6 Y/ r9 r% Y! D( M7 _, s: ^
B、mustn't1 w- O) J9 ^, x
C、have to
D、don't have to
正确答案7 ]' m6 y6 p( o) K9 @2 t
1 E6 h: a& a' ^9 u  M. ?; o
' l* }& Z; K) f( Z3 _
第22题,They(  )for hours.
A、have been driving4 u4 V# t1 K3 F, e8 p; T! N4 @
B、have been driven
正确答案 C% t- Q( F" O/ N, _  W

第23题,- Is there a drugstore near here?
- (  )., X8 x' Q' y" g  Z1 m( c
A、It's very small
B、It's very crowded5 Q" }" o4 d5 _/ |# i
C、It's a cheap one
D、Yes, there is a big one

第24题,- I wonder if Tim could control the situation.
- (  ).
A、It's none of your business
B、You'll get involved in it9 E& h  ?$ F- M5 j. x- L
C、Tim must be thinking about it
D、Well, if he can't control it, no one can: z9 a. O) ^- ?* [
% n' G6 N+ q! K/ E! c9 a  ]' \
5 W( }$ K) C( b
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),- I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together?) x  S) m9 a9 Z' \
- (  ).+ u; f5 U$ v& x5 x/ u# p3 p$ u6 x
A、The tickets must be expensive
B、The match must be exciting# G" }" q3 U1 p" Y' G& p
C、Why not? Let's go9 I7 R. v2 [: f8 _, D% i0 K
D、The place is too far away
正确答案:7 S1 ?& n6 N& t* p

# T5 r0 T/ _% Z5 p2 w8 l
第26题,After(  )the bid, major construction began in Beijing.
A、win0 j$ o9 y$ ^7 |$ P6 V" Y6 W7 ?6 s
D、won: M9 D5 M( r6 U0 [
5 [6 o0 i7 F$ l5 I/ S

第27题,(  ), we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.) o/ V% p' K  l! j
A、As a whole$ S. K  O3 G% i
B、As a rule
C、On the average
D、By all means! a$ d/ g( ~, @/ s3 g3 H
正确答案:8 h- c" R7 {3 F2 S

: o$ A$ ]5 d. a' d
第28题,They all(  )the job.
A、asked after% }, N% t4 K' B) X
B、asked for
C、asked to
D、asked with
正确答案:' H7 ^( S- ]( j. }1 F
' E, W. @9 z8 O4 R

第29题,I tried(  ), but the line was engaged.
A、phone" R% ?; \' Z7 ~! r8 U
D、to phone7 l1 C% I' a- V3 A/ g! S* T5 p

- L- |+ P2 a7 M( X2 N: \+ G2 l
答案来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),- Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?1 p1 B1 d  R. \" P( _% ^
- (  ).
A、Hello! International Airline
B、You'd better look up the schedule first! `% @6 x* `. s8 h! R
C、I'm sorry, but it's completely booked* u* V. \5 P7 f9 V& K0 Q% h: Z
D、I'm afraid you have to change

, h3 l; P, O. G% j0 ~  u" j
第31题,His parents will be(  )him if he fails the examination.
A、disappointing with: @- A. r9 w1 k4 K0 D
B、disappointed on# k6 i; I8 I0 q% d  ]; c5 I  v/ Y0 n
C、disappointed with
D、disappointing for
正确答案:. V; h9 ]$ q8 x& r- G

2 Y8 e% ^* [; i" p! r
第32题,One day while Mr. King was working, he had a(an)(  )and his left leg was badly injured.
正确答案:- q0 n8 Q0 B- `4 b. z
/ @  \% ?! ]' Y# I% C, V5 E+ x
3 y) {3 {0 z+ h% Q% [  y% M& O
第33题,The sun heats the earth,(  )is very important to living things.
正确答案:. w7 W, Z* ^$ d  s! Q5 c/ N
5 V. }$ k) k* H' H- C+ i

第34题,- I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?$ H. t' C! v: o4 B: ?% {0 |
- (  ).
A、You are kind to invite me# D( N. A* D. q+ H9 ]) E1 ~
B、Yes, please; ]6 A# P8 u) v1 [; A' P9 Z0 |
C、A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet4 E2 Q. C1 M% [2 E5 c
D、I find pizza is tasty

第35题,The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to(  )what he was saying.
A、take in
B、take out
C、take up
D、take over
正确答案 I2 ?5 n4 \9 R2 C9 q

第36题,He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays,(  )he?0 t7 @: G7 Z/ }1 E! r
A、doesn't3 y2 c0 }% t% O5 W' t7 H. p6 K
B、isn't6 M! A5 V* g2 N
D、is) J: l( h, _$ ]

第37题,The roof of our house is broken, so it needs(  ).
A、repaired- `$ i) U$ Q7 N& F, M! ~5 t# X
B、repairing9 Z2 g/ K) ]& {* p
C、being repaired, a6 T6 J1 ?0 {8 o. K% J
D、to repair
% J0 K  H1 d0 z2 N. s) p3 O' z3 c

第38题,The blue whale is(  )largest animal in the world.# y2 D- o  I* S$ d; h( Z- v) q
D、the most8 ~( T# X1 z- B( s9 ?2 K
9 A8 p- u7 M! L" H. x4 e. ~, V
. \: z4 n' H& B4 ]1 _; O6 f4 [
第39题,Somebody asked her,(  )?
A、did he  p+ {  A- X2 C6 B3 ~
B、didn't they
C、didn't he
D、did they: M7 m" _5 G# i4 A
正确答案:, i- b) m  k/ ^
) r0 c5 f! F" x# z6 T+ T  C7 h& b
5 q5 [9 {6 \7 G  S5 Q
第40题,- How's the movie? Interesting?
- (  ).5 P, R! m0 S6 K% ^1 L
A、It was shown late until midnight1 v) _3 S  X4 q
B、It was starred by a few famous people
C、Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV
D、I was seated far away in the corner7 U9 s* W" p6 h, G$ S& }9 y5 I
# E0 r% ?  y% h) E* b6 N

第41题,- Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?* y" |' K8 Y2 Q* q) y# R) ^* s
- (  ).# A7 |6 l' B) A' X
A、Yes, they do
B、Yes, they are
C、No, there aren't
D、No, they don't
正确答案:. n! x7 T' J; j$ Q2 D+ ^# S4 A! P
7 ?6 V! J+ b. D* \7 H1 J% R6 F

第42题,(  )I enjoy most is(  )I can have a holiday from work.
A、That... that
B、That... what& z3 H. j7 r; G7 o8 e
D、What...that! n( l+ Y+ N9 |5 J$ F6 A( x) _
# T; s; V% N$ k3 p& A7 I
+ j! I5 f3 a! G6 [8 Z( s1 r5 r
第43题,The man(  )the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.
A、made off
B、made for
C、made out
D、made up
5 Y- L4 M0 Y3 k7 @0 c
- Z" N* ^* }8 \! i( a+ d; N% Q
第44题,Let's go to the cinema,(  )?+ K- f  z  o2 @# _) D$ `$ X' Y
A、will you shan't we& c: m+ Y7 C; O
B、shan't we
C、don't we, M/ Y. e2 X& @( g* K3 s
D、shall we
' R9 C/ O8 u+ J, Z5 B8 P) Y

第45题,That is the dog(  )name is Henry.
C、whom) {: c4 N3 q) Q3 ~' D+ t3 r6 b
, ]8 G9 D# C- h9 J

第46题,The(  )is concerned with successful election, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people.. [* y% W1 Y& w: X5 e$ `
A、politics6 H8 Z- ^7 |- x; w: I
B、politician# Q* r) b% e. v! m+ ~& x& {
C、political! P9 I: _% x. A, B( N1 U  w
: ]4 |+ V) I# W

第47题,Last month, he paid a visit to the village(  )he had once worked for five years.* [; I6 f) [, Q5 w
D、in that

3 O' y. p, t; }4 n
第48题,This ancient letter was written(  )a pen.
D、in6 a; D# V. D, t! s2 m3 y& f
正确答案:& S/ w  j0 M/ w4 X( A
4 [/ H$ R% p# F0 s4 l1 r* W0 D

第49题,The problem is(  )by pollution.: Z# D2 p: h+ `/ c. u) C5 c4 {
B、because- y) K% b9 A5 v8 M5 h
D、because of
正确答案:. ?$ {7 O7 g( }& {4 T
+ t$ V$ |" e" B0 w3 [! w

,How the fire in the dance hall started(  )a mystery.
A、to remain) [  c  _8 t  q$ K# `  B
B、remains; H5 z+ r7 Q" g4 G' L" d! K
D、is remaining

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