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发表于 2021-12-13 15:33:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,While he was in prison he was not allowed to ___ with his family.! }% _8 I' ]7 K, n7 H
A、comment" D$ V4 x! v$ _
B、complain  k# B6 K$ e; V, U4 D* u5 j
C、communicate8 k# X7 b  e* X' g' w8 l6 X
D、comprehend' W2 ~/ B3 S7 S: ?5 d( ?- W
正确答案:7 g. E# ]" s& i/ k
! K. Z# `8 j7 m% |1 G5 N

第2题,Whenever she asks____help , he is always ready to help.
C、in! k7 n4 s8 N5 g: o2 t: n$ A+ `! z; M% A( D9 C
D、to! c! p6 b* A9 J  @
正确答案:' y9 ?- y& b0 I% }. ?! d
0 O/ x7 M* k4 F9 c3 i' M
* b* z) v+ g3 v% j! ~, f
第3题,His father is ____________than his mother.' J8 i( y( u  |
A、older four years7 t3 w) R- i- i! S
B、as four years older
C、four years older& W4 u: U- B' M% S2 J0 _9 h' g
D、four years bigger
( j" e( T  B# {+ e6 b4 ^% r
4 G* J2 T  F% H. t# a+ G
第4题,Please don't ___ Bobby when he ___ you.# b( `# v$ d+ Z/ f6 H
A、turn down, turns to
B、turn away from, turns into
C、turn off, turns up9 F" h6 e- x  S2 k! ?/ C1 f
D、turn out, turns over1 Y: w) E4 {3 x% }1 b) e
正确答案:% ~$ h2 d) J: K% X3 L' q
$ I% u; X: I8 t. C  F& ]! ]$ f

All examination paper____________, the teacher let the students leave." c! [: {: V+ ^
A、handing in  f7 J8 w) O0 ?; M$ u9 T
B、having handed in( \' u8 D) X- K- I% h8 E
C、to be handed in( }! h- U- x6 \4 J/ X0 c+ _  O/ n
D、having been handed in
) [5 t6 a; c$ q
0 T1 a( S" w7 v  c: W! z; a
第6题,I think English is____________than Japanese.
A、much important# x8 Z8 E& M7 G3 B0 n+ C$ }
C、much more important" T. W% r6 \+ _4 l9 O
D、more much important! @3 n0 t. X3 R5 Q

  s# S2 ~1 e4 ^5 A; A5 i# I& _
第7题,Can you find out ____________her pen?
A、where Alice had put1 Q6 ^# w5 p, u- I& `2 {# E
B、where had Alice put+ y+ g+ J( b4 u! J1 e" [
C、where Alice has put* w" B: |6 n% y& x1 \* a$ ~1 t8 s- I
D、where has Alice put7 q9 a9 k6 z' _/ m- s
7 ~! I+ g( K' i4 {8 J
: W) j* s2 p: P% P: z; K
第8题,Never hesitate to ask about ____________.5 T- M4 v9 J- |8 G7 e
A、that you don't understand
B、what you don't understand- X  o# x: d9 P2 W, J& ~+ f
C、which you don't understand: \" ?5 m( O4 z  n7 t4 g3 H
D、what don't you understand  `$ W( _. h9 \
正确答案:" j% T- r! k' {2 }* b" [- @
2 n) U3 w/ H4 `

第9题,The higher the standard of living,____________.
A、the greater is the amount of paper is used0 y2 F: s" h1 A. o4 Z* f
B、the greater amount of paper is used
C、the amount of paper is used is greater; }, Q* h5 b7 Z. a
D、the greater the amount of paper is used! k* D0 c  `2 P! d, _
正确答案:! O6 `! ]0 g# |" F: s

He used to have a _____________ of stampcollecting but he has given it up.. R8 K/ g' s* \
A、habit, }8 P( C) V* V& A6 |" }% {
C、custom9 |& q1 m! c1 c
D、like  ?: }9 H4 J, x4 a
正确答案:& O" O: j8 I6 s
3 p6 S8 p+ Z& y& U0 s
/ u+ ?% N4 G3 ~3 P! H( _) p2 P
第11题,The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.4 X1 C0 ?. X' d0 ^
A、how5 [) i) W9 O8 ]$ X! ?+ O
B、why$ L) g4 ^% Z' l; w
C、what/ \5 d$ I' Y: \$ K
D、when( j" [0 e0 i, j' m6 j2 U. n7 _

To____ an entry visa is very difficult now.
A、appeal for: y# ^# F! [& j) H! C; g8 f
B、apply for- K( g$ L# G# t% s9 q- Y0 o) Y
C、apply in0 C- p% o: z6 S0 |# P& F
D、appeal in
正确答案:" X- ]- m! k& a
, d9 o, |5 n# K6 W

第13题,Magaret scarcely comes to visit you on Christmas Day, ______?2 Z7 o) C& G6 R. Q
A、doesn't she* ?& S- e4 K/ T- d0 z5 o$ O+ u5 |# }
B、does she
C、do you7 J, p! B% ~* I0 u. u& J
D、don't you

: F& }* v: Q2 V$ e8 z& ^8 k4 R
第14题,-Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and we'd like you to join us.
-________, Susan. What's the occasion? What time do you want to me to come?3 J/ ?$ ~7 `# K
A、I'd love to
B、No way2 h; s6 j$ }8 c
C、By no means
D、I'm afraid not.
正确答案:5 G: V7 s! S+ P5 b) a

-Please help yourself to the fish.
-_______.$ G3 ~. T( I; h2 U* f2 r
A、Thanks, but I don't like fish
B、Sorry, I can't help
C、Well, fish don't suit me
D、No, I can't8 y# C5 |: |% e0 U6 N

' `2 y9 N+ b: [
第16题,Since the cinema was ___ , I had to go home to watch TV.
A、packed+ B7 ?4 q- O1 e6 J) y9 u+ g' M! m) a
C、filled with3 U/ i( }; `7 Z6 `" z. d/ g. W
D、full of

第17题,We must do well____________the boss assigns us to do.
D、those# L4 G& A; D0 M6 \/ Z
正确答案:8 X% ^3 ~: X: F1 p3 U' E8 B/ c

' H( U0 M7 P: y; h
第18题,He is fond of playing ____ piano while his brother is interested in listening to ___ music.# K5 ?! n( r* A$ d( K' E, Q
A、/; the
B、/;/+ s. F$ y, {9 H( N6 P; a8 {4 a
C、the; /
D、the; the
正确答案:4 n- }" C9 Q" G4 g" l4 ?2 ]
# T9 g3 ~: Z0 R- p& e/ r: G+ T, N

第19题,____to the Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Beijing opera here.( R  Y& k* B- T# E7 d. p+ `7 t* _6 X
B、Welcome) v) k; L. U- Z0 [. w
C、Well come* C- _! O& g+ y& [9 Z
D、Will come& C/ W) `2 J$ [. R! w( A

Copper as well as most metals ____________.
A、is a good conductor
B、is a good insulator1 H# l4 B' m7 c
C、are good conductors
D、are good insulators0 \  N/ Q: Q) j6 J7 Q# S5 ]0 _

第21题,Economics, several courses of which I have taken thus far, ____________to be difficult but useful for almost all students.: Z; e6 o8 i9 F: R. V, a, O
A、prove. I" M, B& s( D. f
B、proves9 ^8 N3 l( i$ ?7 q5 y7 C' ]) d
C、have been proved
D、are proved

第22题,He and his family had to ______ on 50$ a week.+ n2 G% n, E# F: d
A、pay9 p$ C" e2 \, M- X
C、live$ |. `' B9 n  Y1 t9 h9 h' v
D、exist+ R" R* c1 \- W. }
6 e8 a! D. t0 N: }0 F$ ^+ ]

第23题,I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties.
A、which. [" E) k1 n7 R/ P" c
D、if4 w9 ~  F* ~. t9 O

' ?1 o6 g7 M2 o3 H
第24题,The young driver looked over the engine carefully lest it____________on the way.
A、goes wrong
B、should go wrong
C、went wrong
D、would go wrong* q. \6 t% x: o/ B, F) F: [$ G7 o
正确答案:4 d! p( E/ b5 s" U
- l* _; K0 {' ]3 E  d& |

Mary is the only one of the team members____________to be transferred.
A、who is going. i! U# M$ h& R6 `  W. F
B、who are going, X8 t- D$ R# _# ^. [. D. r" i
C、who have been going
D、who has been going' U+ C, Q  L- b  c* A& Z# E- ?2 E* t
正确答案:. B! [$ |: t+ L# f" k
& c  M2 G! @, z, e2 \$ K/ e% O/ [% M

第26题,____________you don't like him is none of my business.8 r6 U& w0 b0 r6 k4 r6 N2 ^
B、Who) {  ?7 t0 i3 L! b, a' ~
正确答案:+ i  s0 i+ B% s5 a" I
2 o0 _. y: x4 y8 @* z
& d, r% o$ ^. B: t
第27题,Is this museum ____________you visited a few days ago?
A、where2 p7 X- L9 h* y1 q# L. B2 x
B、that7 ]: M9 z' c4 C7 i5 c1 l
C、on which" f7 k' K, Q1 S7 x+ N
D、the one
$ m$ P/ n0 R2 {

第28题,____the teacher____at this college last year? Yes, he did.# t; E) x: v) ]1 Q# f& s3 h
A、Did, taught
B、Does, teach- A% t6 A" P1 h
C、Did, teach: v0 u/ x" _1 k+ F
D、Is, teaching- V: i- ^* P- j  _# x# }

$ q9 ^7 y1 G; }# e8 p3 B. F
第29题,The storm prevented Betty and Mary ___ yesterday." G7 n6 z* L3 u2 \- i* ^
A、leave# S+ B, y4 `4 b. U* H
B、to leave
C、from leaving
D、of leaving# c! Z  j" T% \2 I. {9 w7 y
9 E- N2 o0 W- m7 y* f( |$ p, z
0 A9 w9 J9 @  h# b, _! [
D、retreat2 y9 t) N/ p9 y9 f0 `+ v( |7 C7 q
正确答案 f1 K& Y1 g" |  ~$ T
/ z' U* ^* w: A: F2 G9 M
- g: U# T- r( ^1 }( o/ G9 l/ q7 P
第31题,Most of the stones are____________ a man and weigh about two and a half tons each.: K* H8 W( s2 A: P- j4 K5 ?( y
A、more high( D% |9 {6 N2 z8 W) r
B、much more high$ G; V8 k9 b5 U; S4 p# F* ?5 j2 b0 L
C、higher more3 h- a) g9 `$ C9 J
D、higher than

第32题,The town is about _________ ride from here." x" \, J: ?4 i5 k+ J7 f7 `
A、two hour4 g/ h7 i! S. _: Z2 `
B、two hour's
C、two hours'
正确答案:& i. S5 z  k5 N  s6 R( G2 F
- l( [# r" @# Q9 j

第33题,A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,____________was to be expected.
B、what5 h# M4 c. f# `' ^' s  b8 h/ W- }; y
C、so4 G# _) v+ X- H' W7 l5 k3 j# Z
3 T4 S( }5 w9 B& X
4 }8 O! L1 N" _; _* R$ l' M* l
第34题,-Tomorrow is my birthday. : Z$ _- V3 N% ^* a9 v
A、Oh, I have a good idea.1 F) O+ I/ z0 c9 w
B、I am glad you like it.
C、Many happy returns of the day!* ?$ _* H, U& I# |
D、You must be very happy.. g9 ?; T* E0 k* Z7 _6 V+ f
正确答案:- s: v, {6 [& g* `( M5 A

第35题,What kind of events are you good ____?% h# o# i1 U! G4 X
A、at* T) i$ O' ^+ K0 x0 s& @
正确答案:& n# @  S0 j3 ^( S: C/ I8 ~/ i! T
8 |: `5 t( B5 d& [, b( d

第36题,Mathematics as well as other subjects____________a science.9 b7 {' T- A& D6 d" \& N
A、was1 _; J8 W8 h/ T
B、is1 e% i4 b9 \5 T4 _
D、belong to3 a, G9 m# e4 Q- M
- v2 ^$ p' s% K6 S5 g

第37题,Liu Fang studies much better than ____________student in his class.* F/ P% N2 a* S2 M3 Q+ q- H
B、any other
C、the other
" C. r6 m/ K& j; N

第38题,The question____________finally, we went home.
A、to be settled
B、settling8 H1 D' L. w, |
C、having settled* s5 n: I+ M$ a! t  O! ~- l
正确答案 H( \6 F4 f. e# \, L. B% Z

9 ^3 g1 K  m1 M! O, v
第39题,He is very____.He often comes first in shot putting./ I8 ~1 ?8 U+ j* h( b. z
, j8 p, Z) a, k# F$ _6 H
7 G, a5 c' b. i& J
第40题,It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____________after 11 o'clock at night.
A、were not played3 y0 z) q, ]8 W* [# G, x
B、not to play
C、not be played2 J$ ]* q" q6 E% S8 h* d8 `) Y
D、did not play
7 m. d/ c+ ~" q% Q" ]6 H

第41题,The village____________my mother grew up in is not far from the city.9 l( c" i' G! p) a, @: I% x) r
正确答案:* L8 Q# b6 h6 o4 `/ s8 X

第42题,The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he____________a job immediately and____________out of trouble for six months., P  o: @8 s2 _6 V# j* A
A、found ... stayed# B# p0 S" E+ j0 B
B、finds ... stay1 i5 q* U: L" T, q9 i% E' I" v
C、find ... stays& q" Q5 `* `. V( h* P/ v
D、find ... stay) Y0 e% O: U- K# \* j* @% C7 Q
正确答案:# R6 W; a; {: b/ c2 e- F

2 H- r2 w" V" o1 f1 X
第43题,-Do you mind telling me where you're from? -_________.
A、Certainly. I'm from London; ^7 i3 Q3 z, @) j6 e
B、Sure. I was born in London
C、Not really, you can do it* R% x, M: ?+ q4 }9 }
D、Certainly not. I'm from London
正确答案:  l1 c1 f& V6 g+ J" a7 D2 _; u; ^( R: u
" g; [. S) k& g  K
$ [) c& M" h" r1 i; q
第44题,The number of teachers in this school_______ unknown.
A、are' A: j# g3 |& f( H1 j; D4 g) z: E- |
B、is being& t. O0 X  k+ H5 _2 F. B  u
D、are being/ t# |( H$ M6 N1 M' T2 t& Z
正确答案:- G- N' @! t8 }3 M% c

第45题,They will____to Paris next year.
C、visit3 c2 @; S; \& _* P
D、travel* u9 `# N' @  A

3 w2 Q9 A8 w6 E1 q# F4 n
第46题,The reason we're so late is ____________.
A、for the car breaks down% {0 z  f4 v- ~5 T: q" c
B、due to the car breaking down
C、that the car broke down
D、because the car broke down: U0 Q7 _9 y4 P/ ?( W& L* [

第47题,When spring comes, it gets ____________.! ~1 Z% Y! M# l$ K: m, o% c
A、warm and warm
B、warm and warmer
C、warmer and warmer
D、more and more warm! B' I+ F( s% O( V* v
正确答案:; a! g& ~' ^. S( d. u6 p

第48题,My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too.
A、does not plan3 L0 W9 q# f% w/ t2 [
B、plan not" y1 j' ~1 w, C
C、not plans) N/ E* L  ~* }5 I
D、plans+ E1 f1 |1 M1 s
正确答案:7 Y) F! D/ C! T* |: n( D
5 X' a. F, z7 M, ~2 N
6 m8 m. [  c& v4 n! v
第49题,When you read a book in a hurry, you can _________ some less important details.
A、leave6 o) K$ j0 C" k
B、skid0 q* T! Q6 P" O3 D% E. l
C、skip! C  [& z8 `1 m* ^  {2 Z
正确答案:9 T. G% q% Z0 v" _( N+ i& m
& |/ E. r+ ]+ @& I
He told me the news____________our team had won the game.
A、about- L2 s3 O  o( J' D
B、of- f7 V) X1 ~9 e( U) u5 r& F

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