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发表于 2021-12-13 15:35:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,____________, he slipped through the window.
A、With anyone noticing- Y8 t% c7 w1 m8 L' |6 l8 ?" \) j* v
B、With anyone noticed
C、Without anyone noticing# ]$ W. [+ ?0 ~7 r- K& K, x
D、Without nobody noticed% q4 ]' g" D9 y! o! i: B8 ~
正确答案:* P  J8 H2 b( S9 h% C( p9 f
2 d. L% U1 Y- J! }4 f

第2题,The speech____________, a lively discussion started.2 y5 }1 Q7 E' L4 a+ S+ Q, }0 l
A、to be delivered
B、was delivered
C、be delivered
D、having been delivered
1 s' x  [5 T$ e- r% Q
8 ~% A: G* L0 d' x4 p
第3题,Intelligent students can always ___ good solutions to problems.' u/ R( k) H) l% f- m* s; x+ @" a
A、carry out( C( L8 n' a+ u6 K( g; z
B、come up with8 U! Q3 ]% _9 B5 W- y
C、look into
D、catch up with
正确答案:& }. K: o( t& L' w

" x; s9 v$ D* G! Y" Y) T
第4题,My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too.
A、does not plan& a- t1 |+ ~. v# ]) l3 ^
B、plan not
C、not plans! I% C; W! M) Z, k- x) K/ ~
正确答案:: k5 ]" U: f; ]& C

- Z( N2 ^; e( `4 q
How beautifully she sings!I have never heard____________./ k+ z  t! e2 @# {0 {7 o: O
A、the better voice
B、a good voice" `% W" N, q1 G1 T8 K  R
C、the best voice
D、a better voice+ X* A1 X& A/ B" b* ?
正确答案:  _( {6 I* s; u1 `5 r% s, T' \

. T$ a) J, Q; w
第6题,I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.
A、Except for' {1 m+ f1 x0 G7 J( e' s- H/ b' t- m
B、But for
C、Apart from
D、In spite of

% p6 g9 K. Z0 J3 |- s: l' P
第7题,The landlady ___ us bread and milk.
C、received: G3 H' H. r5 n: S# Q8 v
" R! `9 M' B+ W: ]/ a; m

第8题,This test ___ a number of multiple -choice questions.# [! Y2 l* m0 q4 C5 p3 }4 m2 {
A、composed of2 o/ G, K; J% t
B、composes in/ R" A9 h- v+ F
C、consists of9 [/ J( n, p% ^/ l
D、consists in( V/ r* S8 y% J: z! R
正确答案:5 @' p5 Z% R/ _
' t# H) R/ r& T4 b+ P

第9题,All things____________, the planned trip will have to be called off.
B、be considered
C、considered2 @" j! D8 P) f) [! A" f; S& @% ?
D、having considered* k- ^! d, L/ ]/ D9 M

Just calm down --- it doesn't___anything to get so hysterical.
B、solve% N; S5 }' r: V0 L5 i  h
D、involve; I" o: n: x1 z  G
% ?2 F, T# F3 l$ h+ O9 {% N

第11题,-Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam.
A、It's none of your business.
B、What are you doing?" X% l1 z. g/ }  [
C、Sure. Sorry to disturb you.5 E. d9 q/ M: b. V, m* t: C" x
D、No, I don't think so.$ R# w2 W! ?4 f9 [
正确答案:; l7 x5 N' {% R3 h6 v, w  g+ f
1 T6 w; |% J+ R7 R( P/ _3 x7 q6 w
5 r. {. h) B8 ~" I" h1 D
After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964.* X& i9 g; H% D$ n( o2 w
B、married with
C、married to
D、was married to6 K* C7 |# i( Z+ c
- n! s4 G& I3 ?4 m9 r) D
2 F5 w- R2 R$ v1 W
第13题,We redoubled our efforts, each man____________like two.
B、been working
C、working+ n, g, g  q9 N* I/ y8 }1 P0 W" g
D、to be worked
正确答案:. X' z1 N' n2 ]5 J# T
. K3 v. M' }9 f: j3 J  X
$ ~; B  {( a2 a$ E6 u
第14题,You should make _______ your house or flat is secure.! S! X" e- z  U" B! W
A、sure: d9 [) }7 V$ }* c3 l
B、certain4 k' \, V# c6 M" R

" n, l$ F$ U0 I5 g
Mary is the only one of the team members____________to be transferred.
A、who is going( d* q# |# Q/ f# ?( H8 H
B、who are going
C、who have been going& S) R1 m7 L1 g) Q
D、who has been going. Y4 x( `+ K2 \/ k! H! V) x
正确答案:4 r( @; {/ I3 f. X; C. X9 d1 f
& j/ w1 B* o, f7 J
  z2 q# L7 F! h# a- k; G9 Y0 R
第16题,Either Mr. Lee or the students______ to clean the blackboard.

第17题,We cannot judge a person simply on the ___ of his education.
正确答案:8 l2 @# o* O9 k+ S

8 }( |% X( X" K
第18题,The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants.
B、distributed6 U( Y  e3 j( W( y  c" u
C、contributed, f& `$ f, q& X% a
正确答案:7 a* d" p" d$ Y$ R- ~" T8 a$ R

1 ]  r  e" z  Q5 C4 f- ]5 }& p% d
第19题,The town is about _________ ride from here.' f7 x% O3 Y& ^$ Z8 o5 G
A、two hour
B、two hour's
C、two hours'8 s7 v. F" x( D& f" s- _
D、two-hours' S# i3 R. K0 d6 s

Rather than ____________to see the film he would prefer____________stay at home.
A、go ... to
B、to go ... to
C、went ... to$ N% N$ P; X/ f' s7 s$ Q$ B5 ?
D、would go ... to
正确答案:& p0 ]+ m3 }. X' p. ^+ ?

第21题,The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.: N; S$ ^7 V$ F# B
A、what we would go8 X7 n; f6 k: S! |! a
B、how we would go
C、that we would go
D、where we would go
正确答案:9 b, p0 i, }4 Q! P$ i: t, {8 u7 H' T

! }, Z3 e( z% i7 W7 j4 ]
第22题,I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties./ ?5 Z, n( W$ E8 S5 a0 _! j6 `' s
A、which3 K1 X  o( }( |" _
C、that* ^9 N& p( \* P0 b" K
正确答案:2 C2 J  V4 g. X: Q

第23题,The iron,_____, breathes air as we do.
A、as it was
B、as it were9 |, y7 _1 G$ H+ w; P  @! l. _
C、as it is
D、as it will
正确答案:4 q% |7 N6 k; I, m3 P3 x, p

9 O0 C; N$ Q. v. b4 l5 e4 s
第24题,Of the two cups, he bought____________one.4 S; F2 T% N3 R- {, n, t2 `
A、the smaller6 s) T- [* O0 \
B、the smallest% G& L) e! T$ u
C、small, `: z: x4 C9 A) K7 j/ w& \& `
D、smaller; R0 F* D' a8 K8 p7 X) ~1 i$ [( n

: H+ q3 A; A' q" c1 V. k. S
The _____ of yourself that you see in the mirror is produced by the reflection of light.+ K! b% I3 d3 {& R! Q0 E. R; C" L# v
B、figure$ u$ s2 q+ I: R  I3 O6 N+ d) s2 o" S
C、image" {$ z- R, _" `; }9 F
D、appearance4 x" d" A! B) Q  D4 t
+ y- \5 T' E" M& `+ [/ B
& Z* C9 U" h1 s/ y( t6 ]1 a: Q  m
第26题,She is waiting for the doctor ____________ I know will not come.
B、who6 q( ^6 v( i( W; N; {$ ~
C、which4 i) C0 Z+ e. I2 n1 V$ o* W
D、that7 \) i) Z4 e, V
1 N0 `3 S* E5 s% d! s! A: u3 F

第27题,The storm prevented Betty and Mary ___ yesterday." L4 y1 P* B; b# R
A、leave8 O% }1 K0 {/ l# E
B、to leave2 |3 ]) Q) s( q5 [; D0 J- l
C、from leaving6 u. {8 r; s8 l
D、of leaving
" `! y) O5 G& t( Y
# K& {* f) i# ~7 P" {
第28题,I wish I____________longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.) `; q6 |( e) o3 H% @4 N
A、could have slept
C、might have slept3 c3 o* ]7 q" c+ l, V7 ~( [) K0 @
D、have slept
正确答案:: p  G& q1 a( A5 e1 L
% g" ?& ?! o3 @5 y& U# W- W

第29题,____________you don't like him is none of my business.
A、What2 d  \. D- ~, f3 Z9 U
正确答案:% f- L7 W  f2 Y! ^5 d% [

. L& [6 f) k+ K" c- }! T
Young____________John was, he was able to swim across the channel within minutes.3 c' l, A9 F$ N# t, ?
A、as' l4 s+ @; E2 l* @% @
D、although9 @2 |, u/ z! k  |# Z2 x$ v
正确答案:/ W( X4 N" b9 o9 V' _

( }/ G" [) P9 S! d6 W, b
第31题,____________we need more practice is quite clear.
A、What) B4 S/ U/ l# g9 s! }& q
B、That% s- Z  ~; X( D* S8 k
C、Which" v# E/ {  x( ?0 ^# Q
/ o. H9 }* U6 }# v/ Q: U* i

第32题,It is ___ that I am looking for., U. t6 ?1 i. l1 Y# |6 {5 F/ K% y
A、himself* {2 p; x* s7 D& [  m+ h. v7 s" V
C、him% }' Z: R8 P3 z- T0 u) O
D、he himself

第33题,-Are you getting a new flat this year?, R, ^1 z9 G1 ?
-____ I can't afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.
A、Without question.# m1 ?, c8 A7 V
B、You must be joking.
C、Good idea!
D、Are you sure?$ `2 w9 w# I% B, t- o7 j
& f. i  {0 W# D
" t, j; {8 M$ W3 @) J* T; L
第34题,The red rose is her __________.; G5 [9 P* V% M6 S0 t/ g" Q
D、best. q+ v9 B* l3 w- [
正确答案:& I. y5 |* m& y' [

# ?" D: H3 q) j% r; c
第35题,I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given.
A、no possibility
B、there was impossibility
C、impossible. W& i# K6 C% C4 \
D、it impossible
正确答案 L/ N# q, i1 S. Y7 h# f, R. |

1 `" ^! }0 v6 k( ^
第36题,He dropped the ______ and broke it.
A、cup of tea: Z! a; @  o  F& A* n: F
B、tea's cup
C、cup for tea
D、tea cup3 w, A3 X( u8 `: F2 u
正确答案:' F9 n, _; Q, b8 R! e
# M8 T- X) r  R8 o/ H6 Z

第37题,A thousand miles no longer____________much to us today, for modern jets can easily get us to a great distance within a matter of a few hours.* U9 j& K2 l( [7 \
C、mean' V7 a, ?/ {* E. }0 R; \
D、will mean

第38题,I went to the post office,only_____ it was closed.
B、to find& U. m" a/ G. ]- e7 s( [5 N
C、to be finding! [1 d4 w, R# q* S8 F0 W/ n
D、found" f6 g& E2 r0 e; T: _9 ?9 @% \

/ A2 ]" a8 K4 n7 ^& Z, E
第39题,Copper as well as most metals ____________.' ^6 z9 w5 m+ Z6 p  I3 `5 ~, S
A、is a good conductor; q: t- V- N! M. p) w5 T* N( G" x
B、is a good insulator- A: S7 a  s+ G+ W8 G
C、are good conductors
D、are good insulators
, d! G) S1 n: r3 ?

第40题,-Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? 9 G5 r7 V9 A8 C) O- H
A、Don't ask that
B、Sorry, I'm a stranger here: d4 b9 f7 G+ h* s! T
C、No, I can't say that
D、No, you're driving too fast
正确答案:  [2 F$ u& f) R2 @

第41题,"No, no", he whispered, ______ talking to himself.
A、while  z  q. n- p- a. a0 ?& z
B、even if
C、as if
D、when' N: ^, b/ y5 C
1 G: z& w7 u5 ]
5 \$ ~  e; k* K7 p. S; w
第42题,If you have made a decision, please stick _______ what you want.0 ]5 s2 ^. ?: n5 C

第43题,It makes no difference to me ____________he will come or not.! n* H1 Y& V  Y0 X
A、how/ T" A, `# n- m4 f2 Y1 l/ C
C、when! }( w- n' W1 U' N  Z; E. \
2 k7 L4 q7 b) t4 t% t! i

第44题,I will give this book to____________wants to have it.  s8 H: Y1 [' h% T3 u7 ~7 C
C、whatever) ]1 w1 P- a" |3 H
D、wherever0 V* b5 r: G! ]4 C- ~9 J
正确答案:0 C. A. [9 X4 G9 O  [  X

0 g! z0 F; }- Q; }5 w5 o9 t
第45题,The convict was _______ from prison after serving his sentence.! d/ z# r4 Q' d, M2 O# x3 l1 I) T
A、refused: }$ p# n9 E) J( `0 |$ K
C、released! _  W$ f1 h% k2 s! B2 n' k
D、relieved  M, w/ M% }( L/ M; t

/ v# v# ]: n0 J8 C; ]0 _+ v
第46题,-It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?
A、With pleasure
B、Yes, please
C、Of course not
D、Thank you& }) i2 p: O- Y

第47题,____________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.
A、In spite of/ ]* T8 U- @9 w* h! K) Y
B、But for
C、Because of
D、As for
8 l- p; T* A7 |. N6 f) a
: }3 b* L; y2 P) r' W5 V0 Z& {4 }
第48题,The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.0 P0 c' c3 u7 Z0 N
D、when8 k4 w$ `: Y( Z0 L8 n: ~" [; D
正确答案:; q; ^. B8 {: W( l& f7 G

& X. U9 _- N8 d8 h4 S
第49题,This is ____________ I want to tell you./ p1 t% k2 h. l) S. i" O% ~

- Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?
- ________.; H: u, m" i+ k. ]4 z% _
A、OK, but I have to go to a meeting now1 X: Z9 O# O* w" A) S+ Y1 f- x
B、No, I can't
C、Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents
D、I don't know

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