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发表于 2021-12-13 16:33:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really _______ her.
D、harm7 {0 @$ O, ~2 B, p8 F
! N( B8 R0 K7 t- }% V( \
! F- F! _. B4 T8 g
第2题,The artist spends most of his spare time ___ butterfly specimens.
B、collects. m: A& F2 H, Y1 k* N0 e- k3 N
C、to collect' J8 ~" g* {8 C$ z- `! y# M# Q" G

/ J7 q, v# G3 M. E% ]! a; E9 _, _
第3题,Without the _______ of TV, children might spend more time reading and writing.' x9 C/ B$ N, o
A、watching% p* w( _# F2 u. x% a
B、concentration' q) H* e( p+ M
C、show$ L* Q% H+ W$ b
D、distraction' y- m& W) H+ Q: a6 H8 T3 [

第4题,Hans has a new car. I wonder when____________it.8 N; Y6 K' s+ \. f$ l: A9 t5 O
A、he bought
B、did he buy
C、buys. _: q3 o& m  s7 N4 N
D、he is buying

-How are you feeling? 7 p* d: J9 j( J$ }) |3 R  I# g
-Much better. _________.
A、Thanks for coming to see me.5 }; a! {& a1 x& A3 f
B、You look great.
C、You are so tired.' w- ~) _6 z! C% ~( q3 `
D、Don't mention it.6 o2 o5 A5 e0 I8 e

. D. Z' _, W  `0 V8 L3 }+ [
第6题,His father is ____________than his mother.
A、older four years1 k! a+ _8 Q9 u, W) T2 |* q
B、as four years older& U' X0 W  }" T7 e
C、four years older' B/ e; [  l- _. Y2 b3 B; E
D、four years bigger7 P4 F$ B3 _+ p* |1 |0 u& t, ?* k
正确答案:+ ?2 H/ J( C2 |4 _0 J
% @2 M" c/ \: Z7 Y, o7 `8 z8 W
0 K/ b  X: y& o7 Q9 F* M( u3 n
第7题,Cattle____________to graze on the village common.& p* i0 s4 R' g- d, o4 K1 `. x
A、are allowed8 f8 j) W5 c+ B3 y6 M1 }
B、is allowed/ k; K. `3 |" Q3 b
D、allow2 K* J9 j% `* a7 t1 S2 x( m
正确答案:" g; O4 B2 }0 y/ m1 p& z! u3 v
, d* U" H- w! P! j- j# d) o
8 t  f; f3 `4 Z
第8题,The juvenile offender was released from custody on condition that he____________a job immediately and____________out of trouble for six months.
A、found ... stayed7 f; u& O- A- W1 B2 D
B、finds ... stay
C、find ... stays: B2 _) d# t, h% @
D、find ... stay

第9题,All things____________, the planned trip will have to be called off.
A、considering3 b* a: _* n; X9 \6 {
B、be considered
D、having considered0 r" {& _- t* ]* g
) B  `- d% B1 g+ ?' X; x+ f
9 o0 n  ~: n5 Q/ N
-Hurry up please, or I'll be late.
-_______9 a# L1 R$ V- o; c! S+ X; C! x
A、Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now.
B、Well, it's alright, sir.- ^/ c% A0 v  Y( R3 u% x
C、How can you say that, sir?
D、Oh, we are going the right way.& K9 K# a' ~3 P

第11题,____________, he slipped through the window.
A、With anyone noticing
B、With anyone noticed$ s3 V) }8 C6 A# N* T. ~: l/ L
C、Without anyone noticing
D、Without nobody noticed
% k+ C: S& f3 }6 g( j0 i

____________, the rivers were open and navigable.
A、Being summer
B、Been summer
C、To be summer
D、It was summer
正确答案:0 P, f5 l4 k6 B& z3 f2 K
; t* V' S7 C3 r6 i0 t  q) p

第13题,The conductor and composer ____________by a crowd of people.
A、are greeted
B、is greeted  ]6 A. C" {5 k
D、have been greeted
正确答案:  \5 s1 Q0 a! y& q# c+ K
3 J. ?6 L7 {- g# {; l; `

第14题,He was ________ the Nobel prize for his new discovery.7 k" n: ?6 L! @( B% [
A、offered/ ^3 m; j) D4 G- v
D、awarded% `) o% X3 a" i3 E, l$ M- p
正确答案:4 D- ~, m* W  z  H- z

The country is faced with great problems, starvation____________the top of them.- i, ?# Y( Y) z, g$ G0 j& z& t
A、has been8 S. t& W1 P! `" ~$ Q
C、being9 Z5 s) b2 m2 E0 H" I* i# N
D、is being
" J- o2 t; R% h* k; ^1 d1 h  ]

第16题,We all know knowledge begins ___ practice.* r) A4 n1 ^: ~. ~4 t: t
A、at, z, T3 ^/ T$ x& b& Z2 v9 p5 a/ w
D、with4 H" S+ l3 J2 ?
正确答案:% i6 v, O' z! u+ C9 M3 X  ]
& X4 z3 u- F1 L1 B* E' W6 @

第17题,If you have made a decision, please stick _______ what you want.
A、to7 d. @  O! J* D; w+ r1 Z; s6 Q
B、up" h; {3 [) q$ u: b5 j* N6 @
C、of! y, W* N7 {$ E  u; d8 l0 h( C
D、for; p0 ~" o3 F( }5 Z: t  {0 W

第18题,All examination paper____________, the teacher let the students leave.
A、handing in+ [2 h* Z& D/ {$ r1 C" h- N
B、having handed in
C、to be handed in
D、having been handed in
正确答案:, r; f$ M; u$ i1 z6 n. j- c

第19题,Our English professor is very____in using chopsticks.
A、skilled3 p7 Q. Y2 T1 m$ l$ }
B、great0 W% w% k) L6 A/ ~9 c/ Q) D% t
C、likely: n0 t; S0 T$ N4 b
D、good2 x$ Y* X% J% k
正确答案:6 E# F5 k6 v$ ^& q2 _

/ ?. z, d1 N" c$ f5 g7 B" I
The iron,_____, breathes air as we do.) J% X- s) l4 k  n* [  L+ A
A、as it was1 |2 z% {; f8 b. z
B、as it were# W+ l$ [! k! H
C、as it is. L4 y( w  P7 ^  @
D、as it will

; i& C. a( f8 h9 m1 h5 p1 V+ y
第21题,-What day is today? -________.8 A1 q' D# a& |- l3 o+ Y
A、Today is March 25th
B、Today is Saturday* ^: P& k: M7 ]6 P$ T: {: H
C、Today is fine
D、Today is cold% l! t" i- g6 `, {  f/ ]% b
正确答案:5 P5 {. ~, J% {  x

5 c+ E: L  l3 @0 e1 A4 C
第22题,____________we need more practice is quite clear.
B、That( I4 g; C# d7 S( o: W
D、When0 C. x7 F1 a9 T, m+ Q3 d
正确答案:0 [, i" L" Z) g7 l  G% T

. k) b& T0 ^- {& ?( V
第23题,The landlady ___ us bread and milk.% H! q1 A2 Q& K+ E
B、recovered$ Q2 o; Z: O% p/ b5 {/ d
D、confronted& {; S  O, {+ r' a! S% n% c2 U' C
9 l0 q' x0 O" U- X/ _$ z, I

第24题,I have no doubt ____ he will overcome all his difficulties.& s: d3 R  C) {
A、which7 N4 A: t+ k7 z# [
D、if2 x- e; O- z7 Z

The rising ___ of living is as hard on country families as on city families.
A、price. r5 e2 i1 b; i! ]: D& W3 @

第26题,The colour ____ from yellow through green to black.
! N  E2 K6 U& I* A2 Y0 t  a* k: v
2 f' L3 [' S+ L
第27题,I wonder how many years ago____________.
A、did your father retire1 M' N- r+ i+ t0 Z! g2 X; m
B、your father retired- G* _5 J7 z0 _3 [
C、has your father retired
D、your father has retired
正确答案:8 I1 }. o9 @4 a+ w% F5 |% C

) O4 w: k: [6 k- w" C
第28题,The reason I plan to go is ____________if I don't.
A、because she will be unhappy
B、that she will be unhappy
C、what she will be unhappy
D、for she will be unhappy, c6 ^2 m4 L1 r: ~. v4 B
正确答案:6 u  b* L# Q8 C% {
# w5 X# p, u8 p6 M

第29题,Women workers wear hats ____________their hair gets caught in the machinery.
B、in case
正确答案:+ K& l; ^3 l0 x; C7 Z8 C, ]) _: {

* V3 x9 P8 W) I5 }4 B
My friend ____ to visit the Great Wall, too.9 K6 W2 V5 S9 K& d, A5 {* ~
A、does not plan
B、plan not
C、not plans+ ^8 \$ D" M: N3 p; x8 p% ~
正确答案:9 ]* D' P- x  o5 D

第31题,Please let me sit down; I'm ___.
A、worn down! k8 c; A# ~0 s- }8 T* B9 X
B、worn off2 }- m6 U4 \8 T" Z8 r6 t
C、worn out
D、worn away. T: E. b4 Q- q8 A  I2 p
正确答案:& d1 R' F8 ~( D% t
$ e7 T! v! N& N% `6 c& F

第32题,I went to the post office,only_____ it was closed.
B、to find# P& ?- s9 O. u1 p3 r9 I! {! d
C、to be finding2 p7 P) A$ a9 ?  ]8 K
D、found" Y7 o4 }$ N4 g! G, l

: W: L1 `+ I% Y0 s0 @
第33题,The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.
A、what we would go& E- h9 r! R0 @5 w* t
B、how we would go
C、that we would go
D、where we would go, H6 ?5 X, V: L7 H7 Q
) W( ?, _# E! U4 H1 m8 z4 `  o
: b$ x. ^! G  N0 C- A9 h
第34题,It is ___ that I am looking for.% J, z( i7 F) j0 k8 t
A、himself. r7 e9 s8 ]( {6 V- {
B、he# P. b8 m$ w$ N6 j2 m' v
C、him+ B0 Z0 E' m' w: I3 Q
D、he himself9 S" n! a. t. E1 T
正确答案:* t7 E' y+ [/ a/ c, A3 L+ p, W6 z

, S# v, N- T/ a! m$ n% f/ K8 P
第35题,I recognized her____________I saw her.
A、the instant (that)
C、if not6 f6 [, b; J! o
正确答案:/ J9 [3 }: p+ {2 l

第36题,The village____________my mother grew up in is not far from the city.
A、what- T# W5 i. T# ^9 X
D、wherever$ I! [) l; m$ @4 Q( E: U) y' R
, t+ k2 H7 Y: M7 k3 c- I) b& \
5 Z4 ^# A0 U+ w8 g4 c  y
第37题,-Are you getting a new flat this year?4 r  K6 d" J) f3 X
-____ I can't afford to pay my bills, let alone buy a new flat.
A、Without question.& l) [9 }; y4 Z. A
B、You must be joking.
C、Good idea!1 ^* L! |) |" P( t
D、Are you sure?

1 q# B9 l  m3 R, A
第38题,Frank plays____________Alex.; k% N. w# l- v( M* X$ m* R
A、a lot more better than% [/ a/ O7 P, U  t: S, o; X' K6 M
B、a lot better than# I/ a( ^2 j0 n9 r" l
C、much more better than0 |0 R8 \; a1 G1 E* G8 V1 c
D、much more well than
! H, p, W- ]  Y' Q/ f
% h4 D6 ]/ s: F. h& z# j; c* K3 r, x
第39题,-Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?
A、Don't ask that
B、Sorry, I'm a stranger here1 y8 B! R; `9 |5 K' [/ r% n- h
C、No, I can't say that) I, @0 A: T! p9 c
D、No, you're driving too fast! c- [) Z' ^+ ]
正确答案:  x9 v3 J9 ]7 `: [
# _: E7 E! U7 {; ^

第40题,It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios ____________after 11 o'clock at night.
A、were not played' l# S# s3 M! k
B、not to play
C、not be played
D、did not play0 t5 X2 ^; p# |2 d2 h
正确答案:5 P6 b3 n6 A/ x* B
" j  C8 Z3 V: I( M& F2 ^
; w" J% V  K/ y8 t
第41题,I wish I____________longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.% c( G, q9 H7 ?) R. \' Q
A、could have slept7 A: \5 m- P: {' ?9 I, A
B、slept8 m7 v; S2 z( u/ L) D% B4 y- @
C、might have slept) c! J! U2 u& q# l3 M3 [6 |$ s2 Q0 {9 P
D、have slept
正确答案:0 I1 e' @. |, E. v
  ?  Q; `( h! b% m6 l  a
) u# ?  s, U' x" h
第42题,A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,____________was to be expected.
A、that7 L7 [, w8 [( c/ i) i. ~, D
B、what# l- T. k& }6 d* g/ X
正确答案:4 u4 k9 t, s; ]" K1 J& F9 n
/ F0 T! h- d/ W# [' I: E

第43题,I was sure ____________I would overcome all these difficulties.
B、that) y/ l: s$ ?$ V
C、which) {; |2 v* b, n
D、whether4 ~& W! i, T+ _% s5 s
. ^/ C7 J3 o. N7 z& S; q

第44题,-Tomorrow is my birthday. 9 a- Y9 Z. J- ^' e! R9 j2 e
A、Oh, I have a good idea.
B、I am glad you like it., Z9 f* {6 A: i% U* w/ N
C、Many happy returns of the day!/ H8 Q9 k( s* s
D、You must be very happy.
' H8 K0 q0 K  `4 ?

第45题,The time will come ____________ man can fly ____________ he likes in the universe.. b/ n0 f+ c. b" B  d. a- D& O
A、how ... where
B、when ... wherever9 H3 k+ C" y! h2 S+ `, {
C、where ... where
D、what ... which% X+ H! S. z# M
正确答案:" V2 h( g6 G; b* `
5 z. N/ t' t  h* v
/ ^6 z* W. s5 Y7 S( r* l
第46题,-Do you mind my smoking here?
A、No, thanks.
B、Yes, I do." Z  Z4 Z. Z6 w1 l+ U% W  Q
C、Yes. I'd rather not.& ]; \) J4 I* V( ~- H
D、Good idea.
正确答案:  ]: m" L6 \# j0 O' u% m% S
( \% I1 B7 R4 D+ V; i9 Y2 C8 z
0 r, S2 d9 P8 E" }+ s" I
第47题,The soldiers jumped into the river____________past their ears., L) k! g. u  `0 ~8 ?
A、with bullets whistling$ ~9 u7 x* n- ^5 V' ^# }, s, [1 |. w
B、with bullets whistled9 }. \# ?1 A- i4 W/ r2 ~$ s* P
C、with bullets to whistle6 z0 G5 w* r5 @2 ?
D、with bullets being whistling
' x! \6 ]& J. ^5 c- b, i( J

第48题,The higher the standard of living,____________.6 X; x& |4 d8 l, ]* w7 {
A、the greater is the amount of paper is used
B、the greater amount of paper is used0 j2 l/ E' _/ D7 P/ }  P" y) Z
C、the amount of paper is used is greater2 v6 U* M2 k) |4 V2 G
D、the greater the amount of paper is used

第49题,Whenever she asks____help , he is always ready to help.- ^  S7 Z; G9 D% h0 K0 A
A、with- Q) T* Y, a1 X- G6 R$ V$ f+ y$ k
C、in" t) x. [2 b! j# p
, L6 O# y+ }5 V# s9 K$ E
% j0 P; Z, V4 r6 A" x5 z$ V# q% x
-Hi, is Mary there, please? / U1 P* c7 j9 L/ D
A、Hold on. I'll get her./ u% v. c4 m8 d3 u4 C
B、No, she isn't here.
C、Yes, she lives here.
D、Yes, what do you want.' {7 T/ O6 m' a6 e: t

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