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发表于 2022-6-24 16:36:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、The well-loved fairy tale has traveled around the world and has been translated into many languages.?
. ?这个受到深爱的童话故事在世界各地旅行,并且被翻译成多种语言。
. ?这个深为大家所喜爱的童话故事在世界各地流传,并且被翻译成多种语言。
2、He took the shivering little animal in his arms, and waded again through the stream. Soon he overtook the slow oxen.
. ?他用胳膊抱着直哆嗦的小狗,又游了回来,很快他就赶上了慢慢行进的牛车。
3、Suddenly the men heard a great noise, and looked up. Their horses were fighting. The two men rushed up to stop them, but it was too late.?
. ?突然,他们听到声巨大的声响,循声望过去:他们的马竟然打了起来。这两个人冲过去想阻止它们,但太迟了。??
4、Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food.
. ?你想了解另一种文化吗?那么你应该去认识他们的食物。
5、We paid a visit and had a talk with the landlord. We were all eager to have something like home that we could always go back to, not a hotel room no matter how nice it was.
6、You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay.
. ?B. 我想你不会体会到我当时的那种心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天游荡,想找个相对稳定的住处而又一筹莫展。
. ?你没有主意,我当时是怎样的心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天游荡,不知道能否找个相对稳定的住处。
7、As a result, Hans had to stay home from school and help his mother. He never played with other children; he was always alone.?
. ?汉斯不得不辍学待在家里帮妈妈的忙。汉斯从来不和其他的小朋友玩耍;他总是独自一人。
8、It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and will give you no more trouble.
. ?D. 起初要花一点工作来准确地记住一切事物,,但用不了多久,记忆力会帮助自己,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。
. ?要精确地记住一切事物,起初的确要作出一番小小的努力,但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。
9、For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.
. ?A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。我们分享的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
. ?因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
10、For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.
?因为如果是另一种方法,我知道我怎样去感受, 我们共同的爱让一切事都是那么的美好。
. ?因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。
11、Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like an outsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain.
12、It takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and will give you no more trouble.
. ?要精确地记住一切事物,起初的确要作出一番小小的努力,但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。
. ?起初要作出一番小小的努力去精确地记住一些事物,但记忆力会帮助自己,你就不会有麻烦了。
13、You have no idea how I felt when I had to drift about a strange city the whole day not knowing if I could find a relatively permanent place to stay.
. ?你不知道我当时的那种心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天漂流,不知道能不能找个相对稳定的住处。
. ?我想你不会体会到我当时的那种心情:在一座陌生的城市里整天游荡,想找个相对稳定的住处而又一筹莫展。
14、I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once. The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough.
. ?我会牢记:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成专心致志的习惯,它就会成为我们生命的一部分。
15、She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note.
. ?她谢了他,挂了电话,眼泪在艰难流出。她的手指在颤抖,当她慢慢地伸手去拿卡片时。在卡片里,他看到了他写给她的短信。
. ?她谢了他,挂了电话,眼泪夺眶而出。当她慢慢地伸手去拿卡片时,她的手在颤抖。在卡片里,他看到了他写给她的短信。
16、Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go “all natural”.
. ?许多人吃了许多这些不健康的零食,但是其它人则选择更健康的吃习惯,有些人甚至走“全天然”。
17、Looking back, they saw the timid little dog on the other side of the stream. He was running up and down the bank.
. ?看过去,他们看见他们胆小的小狗在河的对岸,它在岸上跑上去跑下来。
. ?回过头,他们看见他们胆小的小狗就在河的对岸,它在岸上又蹦又跳。
18、?I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.
. ?关于(少年)要能挺得腰杆,拒绝做不值得做的事——就因为它不值得做的重要性话我可以写上许多页。
19、_________ this village isn’t big, all the other villages I?have visited?so far are smaller.
20、_______ will it take you from your school to the library?
21、Faced with challenges, you should believe your courage is __________ makes a difference.
. ?that
. ?what??
. ?whatever
. ?which
22、He said the eighteenth and last lesson _ quite easy.
. ?is
. ?are
. ?were
23、Neither he nor I__from Japan, that is, neither of us_Japanese.
?is; are
. ?am; are
24、She worked ________ the problem with no difficulty.
. ?in
. ?on
. ?out??
25、The place is worthy __________.
?of a visit??
?a visit
. ?being visited
. ?to visit
26、I can’t _________ what he was hinting at.>
. ?figure
. ?figure out??
. ?figure up
. ?figure at
27、The photo ______ happy memories of my early childhood.
. ?brings to mind
. ?reminds myself??
28、He lent me two books, but ______ of them is easy enough for me.
. ?none
. ?neither??
. ?both
. ?either
29、It is not always so easy to tell the true ______ the false.
. ?between
. ?instead of
. ?from??
30、His honesty is _______. He can be always trusted.
. ?out of question??
. ?out of the question
?not the question
. ?in the question
31、You shouldn’t ______ to others while working.
. ?stop talking
?stop to talk??
. ?stop talk>
. ?stop over talk
32、He has read many books on history, so it’s _____ for him to answer these questions.
. ?hard
?7 ^, xS2 X</span>.
33、There are a lot of students in the reading room, most of???????with their eyes??? ? __??on and their heads bent over their books.
. ?whom; fixing
?them; fixed??
. ?whom; fixed
. ?them; fixing
33、The United Nations ___ in 1945.
. ?was found
. ?was founded??
. ?were founded
. ?were found
35、He’ s fed the dog and the cat,????????????
. ?doesn’t he
. ?isn’t he
. ?wasn’t he
. ?hasn’t he??
36、Cindy likes telling jokes. She never stops talking. She is___________.
. ?serious
. ?quiet
. ?shy
. ?outgoing??
37、The food here smells good, but what does it _________ like?
. ?touch
. ?seem
. ?feel
37、It’s very hot here. Why not _________ your coat?
. ?put on
. ?try on
. ?take off??
. ?turn off
38、We also learn how to ______ well with others at school.
. ?get to
?get on??
. ?get down
. ?get up
40、I can’t join you in the party at 9 this evening, because I ______ the content of some reports with my boss.
. ?have discussed
?will be discussing??
. ?will discuss
. ?will have discussed
41、The purpose of the advertisement is to ______.
. ?romote a special flight program
. ?recommend long distance flights
. ?recommend long distance flights
. ?recommend long distance flights??
42、At first you might think the answer is _______.
?as easy as a pie
?uneasy as pie
?easy as pie??
?easier than a pie
43、Jerry is kind??____ diligent.
?but also
44、Someone knocked the door ______ I was leaving the office.
. ?before
. ?why
. ?as??
45、I ______ the boy over there for years.
. ?have known??
?( b0 ~4
46、A few hundred years ago news did not ________ easily.
?receive attention
?travel fast
. ?spread to other countries??
. ?take long to reach other countries
47、They were poor, and his father had a hard time ________.
. ?to make a living
?making a living??
. ?making a life
. ?to make a life
48、It’s dangerous to swim in a ________ river.
. ?rough??
49、His feelings of ________ increased with time.
. ?non-acceptance??
. ?inacceptance
. ?not acceptable
50、Please find out when the train _______ Beijing.
. ?leaves out
. ?left for
?leaves for??
. ?leaves to
51、As we know,England is ______ European country and Singapore is ___ Asian country.
?an; an
. ?a;
?a; an??
52、She thought, he ordered roses in advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know that he would pass away. He always liked to do things early.
. ?E. 她想,他是提前订了玫瑰花。她亲爱的丈夫不知道他将走了。他总喜欢把事情做在前头。??
53、If it can fit between two slices of bread, Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.
. ?任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人都可以把它做成一份三明治,花生酱和果酱更是一直都深受美国人的喜爱。??
54、If he _______such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more.
?was giving
?had given
?had been given??
?was to give
55、Some cruel experiments on animals are carried out _____ science.
?in the name of??
?for the sake
?in advance
56、______ he entered the class, they all cheered.
. ?As??
. ?Since
. ?For
57、All I can say _____ we are extremely sorry.
?are that
. ?is?that??
. ?be this
. ?being this
58、They ________ him to be a general.
. ?promoted??
. ?asked
. ?said
59、I’m afraid we have no _______ but to take a taxi
. ?reason
60、We are too busy _______ any time on anything else.
. ?to study to waste
. ?studying wasting
. ?studying to waste??
1、目前仍有许多城市的空气仍然不够理想。请以Air in Cities为题,根据下列提纲写一篇短文。
1. 空气不好的现状;
2. 造成的原因;
3. 解决的措施。
2、学生在学习中总会遇到各种困难,请以“Dealing with Problems in Learning” 为题, 根据下列提纲写一篇短文,鼓励同学们努力学习。(80-120个单词)
S: K

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