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2018秋福建师范网院 语言与文化第一次 作业答案









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发表于 2019-3-25 11:11:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
given.  50%
1. In its narrow sense, culture is ___________.
A. whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nations
B. the attributes of man
C. life way of a population
D. intellectual or academic development
2. In English culture, the introduction rule "________"s correct.
A. When introducing two males or two females, put the younger person's name first
B. Men don't have to take off their gloves before shaking hands
C. When a man and a woman are to shake hands, it is the man who extends his hand first
D. When introductions are made, start with first names, and add some descriptive notes.
3. When two strangers are introduced to each other in the U.S., they usually start what is called_____________
A.        free talk.       B.        small talk.      C.        big talk.       D.        introductory talk.
4. One of the main functions of nonverbal communication is________.
A. regulating     B. negotiating       C. word-building       D. complimenting
5. American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to_______
A.cultural anthropology.                B.  socio-linguistics.   
C.comparative education.              D.  philosophy.
6.        When you enter an American home and hear "Let me take your coat", you should know that______________.
A. it's extremely hot indoors.       B. your coat must be wet.
C. wearing a coat indoors is uncomfortable.
D. it's an American custom to take off one's coat in this situation.
7.When you want to learn about someone's family relationship with another person, you may ask__________.
A. Are you relatives?         B. Are you family members?
C. How are you called?       D. How are you related?
8. If someone says, " What a big house you've got." , the complimented might respond_________
A. "Thank you, it's just so so."         B. "No, it is quite small."
C. "Really? I think it's not big enough to live in."
D. "Thank you. It's quite big, I was lucky to be able to get it."
9. Communication between two speakers of the same cultural background is called________
A. intercultural communication     B. interpersonal communication.
C. intracultural communication     D. intrapersonal communication
10. The explanation for " to move heaven and earth to do something" is _________.
A. "to understand the nature of one's work and be competent in the performance of them"
B. " to lose the opportunity to do something"
C. " to do something without proper material"
D. " to make every effort to achieve or obtain something"
11. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is
the ___________ function of nonverbal message.
A. complementing    B. contradicting    C. regulating       D. accenting
12. The English speaking people are direct, so _______
A. they reason from the particular to the general, from parts to the whole, or from the
small to the big
B. they reason from the general to the particular, from the whole to the part or from the
big to the small
C. they prefer the information structure in which the more important information
precedes the less important information.
D. they prefer the information structure in which the less important information
precedes the more important information.
13. Language is an instrument used in the _____ of thought.
A. patterns   B. structure  C. function  D. communication
14. Americans tend to open gifts in the presence of the giver. This shows that________.
A. they are greedy.                     B. they are eager to have them.
C. they are ready to express gratitude.      D. they are impatient with guests.
15. When you want to leave your host's home, you, as a guest, can say__________
A. I must leave now, I have something important to do.
B. I'm afraid I must go now, it is too late.
C. I'm afraid I must be leaving now, for I have something                     important to do.
D. I must be leaving now, for I have something important to do.
16. When an American man makes a chair ready for his wife to be seated, the wife will most likely say_____________.
A. Thank you.        B. nothing  
C. You're very kind.   D. Let me do it myself.
17. When you ask strangers in English-speaking countries to show you the right way to a certain place, you can use___________
A. Sir or Madam.   B. Mr. Or Mrs.   C. Ms. Or Missd.    D.Dr. or Professor
18. Sentence "________" is correct.
A. He lives in 25 Robertson road , Perth, Australia.
B. He lives in Perth, 25 Robertson Road, Australia.
C. He lives in Australia, Perth, 25 Robertson Road.
D. He lives in Perth, Australia, 25 Robertson Road.
19. The expression "he shakes hands like a dead fish" refers to a limp handshake , a sign in the American culture of
A. a weak character         B. a strong character
C. a flexible character       D. a moral character
20.When you see an American friend having dinner, you can greet him by saying_______
A. Hello. Have a nice dinner.               B. So, you're having dinner.
C. How much do you have for dinner?       D. How do you enjoy it ?
21. When thanked, the Chinese public servants customarily reply"_______".
A.  朋友之间,何需客气         B. 说谢就见外了。
C. 一家人何需客套              D. 没什么,这是我应该做的。
22. The definition of culture as the comprehensive features that distinguish one group of people from another will allow us to talk about ___________________.
A. a universal culture    B. cultural differences
C. cultural universals     D. a specific problem
23.        It's generally acknowledged that the publication of "The Silent Language" in 1959 by_________marked the beginning of intercultural communication studies in the United States.
A.        R. Porter   B.        C. Barnlund.    C.        Edward T. Hall    D.        A. Samovar.
24.When an American smiles at you while passing you by on the street, you may rightly suppose that________________.
A. he or she is sexual maniac.     B. he or she is trying to make friends with you.
C. he or she is laughing at you.    D. he or she is trying to appear friendly.
25. "I am a poor Chinese boy who very much desires every kind of information about your prestigious and famous university which has graduated so many esteemed scholars in every kind of field." This kind of language____________.
A. is very impressive by American standards
B. sounds too emotional by American standards
C. sounds too flowery and exaggerated by American standards
D. is very bad English by by American standards

II. Multiple Choice. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Decide which of the four alternatives best complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. 30%
1. The most common English replies to thank are “_____________.”
a. It is nothing      b. It is my duty   c. Not at all    d. It is my pleasure
2. When English speaking people part, they usually say “____________.”
a. Good-bye             b. It's nice to meet you
c. Walk well, please       d. So long
3. Which of the following questions would offend speakers of English?
a. Do you go to church?           b. Are you married or single?
c. Who will you vote for?          d. May I know your age?
4. The relationship between language and culture is that_______
A. culture is part of language
B. language is the carrier and container of culture
C. language and culture are closely related
D. language and culture are separated
5. When responding to a praise, Chinese people would say“ 您过奖了”, which corresponds
to "_________" in English.
A. You praise me too much.            B. No, no. That's too much for me.
C. It's very kind of you to say so        D. Thank you
6. The properties of culture are_____________
A. Culture is human specific.                 B. culture is general and abstract.
C. Culture is a national phenomenon.          D. Culture is a historical phenomenon.
7. When responding to compliment" you look very nice in this dress", you should say______
A. Thank you, but it is just so so.
B. No, it is quite ordinary.
C. Thank you, I'm glad that you like it.
D. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.
8. Paratactic relations refer to construction which are linked through
A. juxtaposition      B. punctuation   C. conjunction       D. intonation
9. When English speakers accept an invitation, they may say_____.
A. "That's very kind of you. Thank you."
B. "That would be very nice. Thank you."
C. "Thank you very much. I'll try to come."
D. "I'll go if I am free."
10. “不敢当”as a response to a praise can be translated into ______.
A. It's very kind of you to say so.
B. I'm not worthy of the praise.
C. Thank you
D. I do not deserve the praise.
Section III Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.  Write T for each true statement and F for each false one. 20%
1. Whenever someone responds to the behavior or the behavior residue of
another person, communication has taken place.
2. In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight.
3. In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.
4. North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another.
5. To initiate conversation with an Englishman, you can say It''s raining today, isn''t it ?
6. Americans do not consider excessive modesty as a virtue.
7. Englishmen often start with an explanation for a request before they make clear the request itself.
8. Communication can be appropriate and ineffective.
9. It is said that American culture is a high-context culture.
10. It is said that the United States represents an "anti-smell" culture.


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