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【奥鹏】-[南开大学]20春学期(1603、1609、1703)《大学英语(三)》在线作业% O3 g& n0 i* O: w3 ?9 b
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1题,I tried(  )the book in a few days, but actually I couldn't, just because of too much work for me.
C、to have finished2 R) T- [/ @9 @" B8 @* v
正确答案:# j8 g, G# G( I
5 V0 r$ x3 K; T6 f6 ~

第2题,Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children,(  )going to the party this weekend.
A、am& {! T- B' e2 x" R4 _" H# ~/ ?
C、are6 Q: A& I0 i6 A. _7 {
D、will0 m2 R' ]! I/ B  ]3 ^( b2 m" @& b6 M
正确答案:2 G8 P9 A7 u) K5 E* c5 B# H5 s

第3题,The patient acted on the doctor's(  )and finally recovered.7 b! f1 ]2 ]; \' g8 z, o7 c
C、advise" s- Y  L# L6 c6 ~- {) w9 @( B, @' X% R
D、advises. m. n- C4 z9 A& Q+ s1 |5 V: U0 A

第4题,(  ), we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.4 R$ P% n& l4 r) O4 R& o
A、As a whole4 |9 N2 l' Y, y, {
B、As a rule
C、On the average
D、By all means) @4 ?9 T1 X; \; G8 C
2 s, ?; e, T, R- f5 C0 k

第5题,By the end of this year, I(  )enough money for a holiday.0 @/ `/ R: s* g- Y" T# D( S
A、will save7 v5 D/ f$ t% H: b6 [" Y
B、will be saving
C、will have saved9 ]# o, g* J; y: j) X9 ~
D、will be saved
正确答案 n0 Q+ n# S6 o) J

第6题,– Oh, you're back at work? How was your holiday?  _* O3 c* ~8 U+ g
– (  )./ N' \' h" @2 J: o' _3 z# F
A、We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time
B、The ten-day holiday was not long enough3 b2 _! S3 _& T4 _9 E, L% y
C、I was missing you when I was on holiday
D、I heard you were on holiday, too
正确答案:6 z3 `2 x1 L& A9 o0 t2 g2 j8 k

第7题,– I don't like the sports programs on Sundays.1 \/ P+ Y; y9 h: ]2 c7 l; _4 s
– (  ).
A、So do I
B、Neither do I
C、So am I
D、Neither am I+ n+ f$ h2 k. V2 U
正确答案:2 y; |* l/ D+ v" |" s% [! d
6 ^( I# ^: A1 R* C
9 l5 t, Y- s; q$ W6 Y
第8题,She asked me whether(  )English.2 q% d7 y& X% ?! O$ a7 w3 k
A、was I
B、am I" A& q6 a6 L6 m" q
C、are you
D、I was

% t" H  @; D- D* a6 G
第9题,– Jack, are you leaving now? It's 7:20." F2 s- G8 H9 [& r# [/ F3 A/ |+ x
– (  ).: s% ]& O8 G  \
A、Yes, it's still early
B、No, thirty minutes is enough
C、Yes, the bag is not ready
D、No, I'll set off in 30 minutes( z: t$ j" o3 D; I3 t

( f- N* M. W7 S+ ^
第10题,We(  )every day when we were children.
A、used to swim" _% W1 V2 L0 f. V' Q
B、used to swimming
C、use to swim4 Z7 g" Z' P5 A. L% o' O0 ~/ }  d! k
D、use to swimming) ^# S: t, B& n/ k9 a# ?

, Z6 a! z' k  Q9 J: L! ?& `
第11题,Why(  )the old block of flats(  )demolished next month?
A、are…being- h/ V: x; E3 \& N+ a" }4 A
正确答案:6 o3 Y. S, L& E, T7 {3 U

8 Y0 Z% N) t6 |8 }6 ^8 _
第12题,We have our office(  )every day by a cleaner." z' E4 [! ^* D9 h8 U) {* t* d
A、clean. d1 n' B7 ]! F" ^' v
B、to clean$ C' O9 f5 p1 d5 E/ D# O4 [
D、cleaning* W/ Y# D; B3 I2 P4 F
) S5 x& q4 j1 B, i( B$ D& O6 Q

第13题,John Preston was tired(  )living in east London, in which he had moved after his wife's death.
A、to4 r3 \1 h8 w2 ~  L
B、of: e! d; A  }) G; K% H
C、at! k$ P" a! ], B1 b. n2 U$ p1 A4 G
D、for' y) L" W' A( e. j
正确答案:8 p6 {% z% J) C

* }% O; u- C: V& G
第14题,We lived on a(  )when my wife studied in Oxford. It is quiet there, so very suited for a student., f" Y# e" D  [, `8 d7 b' ~6 {
A、main road% Y" X( |: U; ?/ _3 N2 e0 d6 Y. l
B、side street8 B6 D4 h. O4 `9 t* f8 t- L3 i3 u7 C
C、motorway. G+ ?3 O( |& W; a7 s
D、junction' q0 q' P; u) n8 V3 ^
: y' _8 S. I5 g% f4 ~

第15题,He is the man(  )dog bit me.! ~+ _! u6 J; e
A、that/ j& I9 r! l9 D8 M. H
D、whose% W6 P% L- ^8 g0 N+ E, ?; U) J+ S1 J
2 {4 g9 w% k" M4 l+ d

第16题,My teacher told me(  )to English people as much as I can to practise my English.
C、talked8 s4 w' e: f5 C8 ]2 P) r$ n& |9 i
D、to talk
5 E: k6 ?- U% Z! T
) D/ ~) g& O3 {3 Q, I- T
第17题,She has always(  )to her father, although he did not graduate from a famous university./ a' x8 |+ W0 y7 Y; l
C、respected5 q' u/ r8 A3 H5 A' Z& g: g
D、looked up9 U/ L: j. O6 E3 ]  ?  g$ b, B  o
: }% J* Y, d4 k6 }% \! R: A

第18题,– I wonder if you could help me.
– (  ).! j7 T$ @0 ?. ^5 F7 M
A、I could5 l* v3 {$ L" c+ B( J* V
B、Yes, I do
C、No, not at all( V$ Z) W" U4 I7 Z1 ]8 o$ {8 W
D、Of course3 l1 ?9 V3 P. ^2 M/ R
正确答案:1 v5 n; t) j0 P6 l- ^3 K- _0 j
* @  X" z- Q1 N) b
4 f5 Y6 E% U4 e9 H7 }
第19题,She(  )her success to hard work and strong will.
B、gives3 A; R/ {- p7 u4 ^7 }
C、owes# M3 ^+ c3 x* V  [6 \
正确答案:! |/ a" |0 f% L' T+ h

第20题,– Ed said that his boy fell off a tree.3 m; q) |1 @8 T" H! V' h; {) C
– (  ).
A、Oh dear! I hope he wasn't hurt. ]3 r; X% g% G4 `% T
B、Oh, no. A lucky boy
C、He might have broken his arm% l6 C2 n% W" H7 V& [. C
D、Nothing serious; v* j* I* E7 A4 T( ?7 J. ?
正确答案:! w; t) b: T; \# q/ h( h, p

6 B% @6 j) {+ E
第21题,– Wait here and I'll get my car and go there together.
– (  ).% Q, ]2 B" u9 s1 e; G' T8 M
A、I'm sorry to have kept you waiting; L) }6 X  D( z( J* {
B、Your sports car is fabulous
C、I'm afraid I won't wait very long
D、Why bother? It's within walking distance

! g* k( v4 r8 H  }
第22题,– I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.# G6 U8 E8 P3 M6 J( j7 x# Y/ |
– (  ).
A、Either have I) L7 F- y) r6 K. y* C0 \
B、Neither have I
C、Haven't I3 n- e+ E2 w3 c# W) x0 q
D、So have I
& f* h. J# t- A1 W/ N3 T
9 v8 Z- A- M3 ?/ n9 |+ u( M
第23题,– Would you like to see the menu?* q% _0 I& s; f: O9 S5 I5 s: Z, U
– (  ).7 M8 j. f4 {7 ]1 ~0 |! _$ K8 k
A、No, thanks. I already know what to order
B、Your menu is very clear% O1 S9 @" A* g4 @7 b
C、I hear the food here is tasty
D、The setting is very comfortable% e! Q( `# s3 T  f+ e8 |

5 _# w' R8 m# g' J( L& }
第24题,At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs(  )more to improve the relationship with the USA.
A、to do3 \0 ^. F, p& |4 L/ H% w+ W
B、doing5 C7 d( R" E- |# M9 E0 t' u  W
C、to be done8 ~: z; h/ p7 }% e6 @0 ]
正确答案:7 z8 P) m! ]  z2 ^

第25题,– Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket?
– (  ).
A、It's not very far from here+ Q1 r8 Z; \" d( ~4 t/ [
B、The supermarket is very large. n) Z: b& k$ _/ j# G' Q6 Q
C、The goods there are very expensive: ?$ }: N: e* k$ b! E# E6 T
D、Sorry, sir. I'm a stranger here myself' n2 n( j4 b. E% I& Y

+ ~( S! h2 g, P4 {1 j, ^
第26题,The definition leaves(  )for disagreement.' w/ c' I; V  f3 ~9 i
A、a small room
B、much room4 m3 R3 \& b/ i7 k$ V
C、great deal room; w% J0 E1 M$ q9 y' e# i. L! p
D、not so big a room4 l9 |: {# e, z8 x- b

第27题,Given the high price,(  )it's not surprising they didn't buy it.; H' D- W) A/ }
D、that7 X2 v$ R8 `( q7 f, G
正确答案:+ D8 q1 o$ @9 w& V
+ d# i( C, W5 |- N. F1 I

第28题,The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible(  )the explosions that happened last month in London.- |. J' Q) K* @# f. U" E* G1 W
B、on4 e) b; D6 E( ~3 r4 Z: s) Q
C、at0 `+ ^- x) T5 m) ~$ ~
正确答案:2 d: o3 t6 U, f0 d2 d
$ i; k* i" w$ r1 \/ N# l, w0 I9 q* B

第29题,They handed in their paper(  ).
A、in line' E$ ?. \, s( k( J2 C! C2 h
B、by turn
C、at turn& C  |% _3 s% n, R
D、in turn6 |' S! w, W$ u6 K: }5 e7 e
正确答案:8 e, `: i+ Q* s8 ?( `! x1 U9 b
$ e- o: z- m2 @3 r9 o# q  Y

第30题,He was(  )the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing." n6 t1 w5 U; ]: ^7 E9 J
A、engaged to
B、engaged for  K/ x  C" G6 f( q
C、engaged on0 J6 a8 c7 Q; a1 m) O; Q& o& [
D、engaged in

8 p0 S8 R& ~# C8 o' I" i
第31题,– I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised.
– (  ).
A、The party won't start until 8:00
B、Thank you for having the party for me
C、Don't worry. He always keeps his word
D、The party must cost a lot
( z6 \, C- Z% l# l. K
6 N6 c4 g. \+ m$ Z6 P' d3 Q+ R
第32题,– Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo?
– (  ).
A、The express train is expensive3 y: S# f5 E: _2 t( i/ ^( O" T
B、OK. I'll give you a hand5 F3 L0 }  q8 g
C、Sorry, the express bus has gone  i6 b/ M. Q. K2 c* |( k' R7 K
D、On your right. It'll leave in 5 minutes
正确答案:; |( u0 @! S- _* z! L& D3 ^: b

第33题,I'd like to know what you(  )the plants I gave you.
A、made for' Q; T2 H9 [( f7 `8 P
B、dealt with
C、live on6 m0 b5 k* z9 Y; m0 }. m
D、did with9 Q% s. O4 R8 c6 h
正确答案:: ]8 I- [; G% p

第34题,The work(  )by the time you get there.$ g$ W, l0 F. {+ Y5 f+ w
A、will have been done0 \" F) Z4 V; u
B、was done
C、had been done& K9 Y" b/ s$ x7 Q
D、has done) _3 e/ B( r' a% Y+ ^$ v1 h) i

第35题,The population of the earth(  )increasing fast. One third of the population here(  )- k1 E8 i2 H" x3 Z% j1 U
A、is; are
B、is; has been
C、are; is
D、is; was% b( h4 y: k$ D. ]* y9 B2 Y' U
) X# m( C5 B; h; h/ I3 c9 }; v7 R
$ m# M- v6 c2 C
第36题,He is over fifty, but he looks as though he(  )only in his thirties.
B、is) w1 V) h; a) w( y4 T
C、will be6 I0 F9 ]! u6 }
D、has been& M1 L4 K$ a: ~& ~0 i7 v
正确答案:6 r0 @$ Q% V; R$ U2 @: k" b* e% A

) `. q' b4 A' O+ f
第37题,What(  )all this morning?' R9 ], O; u$ t2 U6 l0 J
A、are you being done! J! y+ `8 ]; N& b8 b$ q5 D, d
B、have you been doing( j% o. Y9 k. U
C、have you been done# Z) ?6 p! O4 V: T5 ?6 q
D、are you doing4 h- t4 S7 K4 ~- Q% _% C

; I& b* g; ^# v6 i% }1 n. h
第38题,I don't think he will be back in an hour,(  )?6 e- p1 b: I' O% W* a7 M/ E
A、do I! s" _. d- o6 T+ X' h2 d3 ]* q! r
B、won't he7 @7 u. a8 Y" }/ d; l
C、don't I
D、will he
正确答案:7 p5 X8 w" T" ?; w' R( L& Z' N- E

第39题,Mr. Smith(  )a most important part in the development of our city.. R( {( J& O2 X* v/ ^9 q
C、played. a2 j2 }: j+ g4 x! n) z

: k4 l! J* [% N6 V
第40题,– What's the weather like in your hometown?! y" u( ], e8 C: ^/ Q9 y
– (  ).
A、It's a nice place8 b7 l# U$ a8 l$ C+ ]7 W
B、I like the food there$ k7 J) q$ o" K7 Y: @
C、He asks me whether I like the weather2 z  r! `5 T- X
D、It's cold in winter and hot in summer
正确答案:' o  g/ ^7 Y$ T- j

第41题,Parliament didn't think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment,, ~* z% v0 {* |9 i. h  o; y
(  )he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation.
正确答案:1 }5 P* e) ]5 W2 B' P* w& B

第42题,– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.
– (  ).
A、I haven’t been getting much sleep either
B、You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick2 B+ p2 e- i6 l, Q" p# P! Q8 m# h
C、I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that0 T1 u4 i) U1 @' ?2 I( h3 g
D、You’d better do exercises regularly
正确答案:" ?' r7 l% ?; w, u: k( B& ~
; m1 |0 X2 r) a
( g  x3 x# k9 r, J1 E
第43题,I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my(  ).
A、services7 C3 \+ ?- U/ Y7 Y5 a
B、money! A5 }& v* A! k, V! n2 `
C、use# [7 P5 w9 K  b8 W- B
D、chance/ o8 A1 ]2 Z8 }( f

- ]; \( g9 @, W; Q$ I
第44题,– There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?& h, @! v0 q7 B
– (  ).
A、Have a try
C、Don't go, please
D、No, thanks7 {/ `+ K6 o: r6 q5 |7 R

第45题,When we were having a meeting, the director(  )the bad news by telephone.2 C1 m  k/ U8 o9 E
A、was telling
B、was told
C、could tell) V/ G9 A( a& }# }3 D# C; c
D、would tell. O! l+ P. z+ l1 W1 N7 y* K
正确答案:. Z# s6 B7 X8 W! l' `7 O" @9 O4 O
9 t6 `' x2 u3 k+ y

第46题,– The lecture given by professor Smith was really interesting.
– (  ).
A、I couldn't agree with you more
B、I'm going to listen to it. v% \' I; U* Y1 C. U) S
C、It sounds reasonable7 v& h  w" v& u7 V1 n* n/ z
D、It didn't last too long

第47题,Don't you think the small donkey can really pull the heavy(  )?
A、lorry3 d3 M- |! k1 P7 o6 r
B、car7 {" c5 E4 \7 A2 o# X0 _1 w! @
C、van' e! [$ [( d3 e' n
/ w/ `! Z0 s7 m
) n: K& M; _3 F! l1 x8 y2 W
第48题,Last week I bought a flat(  )biggest room faced south.& ^- S0 }4 D' B( N
A、that$ i" I! o: Z+ q/ L2 l, j) D
B、whose) x8 W4 ?( M" M1 g" L$ i
D、where) {& z4 [  p& c  ~0 L
- a9 S- Z  p  h: a: x
: n) W. j9 m7 W) q  x3 x7 P: }
第49题,(  )I enjoy most is(  )I can have a holiday from work.7 s7 g+ m; l" J9 g
A、That… that
B、That… what& W4 X1 i) w. \& Z; M
4 o+ m8 O( H  {8 F
! p0 m- t: A+ O" I0 l# u4 R
第50题,– Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian's, won't he?
– (  ).7 c4 ]' ]/ o9 L1 {" s
A、Oh, yeah, 1 forgot/ ^" J6 t5 l+ Z! g$ @
B、It's at 8 o'clock
C、Yeah, he's bringing his cousin, Sandy
D、Yeah, it's a nice party

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